
Australian Mathematics Challenge
Once again, Kew High School saw an impressive turn-out of students to participate in the Australian Mathematics Challenge. A total of 146 students across year levels competed, with 35 students earning a Distinction or High Distinction and more than half of the remaining students earning a Credit. We had three teams of four students compete in the Senior Maths Games Day at Melbourne Girls College. This annual competition is typically dominated by Melbourne High School and this year was no different. However our team of Viet Doan, Aryan Prajapati, Joel Ong and Amy Choe came away with first place. What a fantastic achievement!
And one of our former students, Professor Jerzy Filar - visiting from Queensland for the KHS 1960s Student Reunion & Expo - spoke to our Maths Methods students about studying mathematics at tertiary level as well as Mathematical Modelling related to sustainability and the environment.
Next term we will celebrate the various successes of our students with our annual Mathematics luncheon. As always it’s great to see such a high level of interest in mathematics at Kew High School.