Jeans for genes day

The barker team at Kew High School helped raise money for Jeans for Genes day
Jeans For genes is a charity which raises money for children with genetic conditions. At Kew High school we ran a casual clothes day for students when students wore denim or blue clothing in exchange for a gold coin donation. It sas great to see some double-denim and Canadian Tuxedos!
We also had a chocolate toss and sold some merchandise including Pens, Yoyo's, Badges and headphones. We had a sausage sizzle as well which was a massive success and sold out.
A student- teacher netball game took place which created a great vibe and raised lots of awareness for the cause; whilst a Strawberry DNA science experimen was run for those more scientically inclined.
Finally students in their Monday Connect sessions partook in activities about a range of genetic conditions and the impact they have on people’s lives.
Overall the event was a massive success through which we raised $1545, which was matched to raise a total of over $3000!! This takes the Barker total to over $10,000 when combined with the money we raised from the Treadmill Challenge earlier in the year.
Massive thanks to all those who volunteered their time to help out and everyone who contributed to help make the event a massive success
(House Captain - Baker 2019 )