From the Principal

Kew High School is hosting a reunion at the school at the end of this term where students who attended from 1963-1969 will gather to celebrate the life and achievements of the foundation group, reconnect with those alumni and rekindle old friendships.
In preparation for this event, Gordon Cleary has been compiling newsletters featuring some of the alumni. There are many interesting stories of students who have gone on to have a very full life in a range of careers.
Amongst our alumni are composers, politicians, sporting stars, visual artists, designers, engineers, researchers, teachers, writers, dancers,
psychologists, a Pro Vice Chancellor, professors, photographers, policemen, gardeners and more. We are proud of our past students and celebrate their positive pathways.
In all the information that has been relayed via the newsletters there is a prevalent theme. There are countless examples of how a particular staff member had a profound influence, imbuing in the students a love for a specific subject thus influencing their choices after school. In their recollections they also note the impact the culture of the school had on their adult behaviour, the way they treated others and the values they adopted.
Research tells us that nothing has changed from those days in terms of what effects success. It is definitely the teacher who still makes the difference: that person who cares, takes a real interest, demonstrates concern, creates a relationship and is committed, passionate and engaging.
We also trust that it is still true that the values that have been lived at Kew High will sculpt the manner in which our students consider others and demonstrate empathy and concern in their world beyond our gates.