Principal's Message

Diverse ~ Accepting ~ Inclusive Community

Dear Parents,


The presence of Covid-19 in our community is ever present, and as we continue to do what we can to inhibit its spread, it's also comforting to know that we can begin to look ahead to the time when our students will be able to travel again and benefit from exchanges, educational excursions and Outdoor Ed adventures. Any and all events will be assessed and Covid-19 procedures implemented, but it's exciting to think that some type of normal will be returning.


The programs and opportunities available for our students here at St Philip's are second to none, as we ensure that the challenges of geographic remoteness do not impact our students' experiences. 


The wealth of talent amongst our teachers and members of the Alice Springs community is immense, and I thank everyone who is willing to share their knowledge with our students.


Thank you and Be Kind Always, 



~ Mr Roger Herbert
