Other Information

Book Week


Rollins Primary School recognises that being at school on time and attending every day contributes towards a student's learning and that maximising school attendance enhances academic outcomes.

We take attendance very seriously at Rollins PS and have a goal to have as close to 100% of student attendance as possible.

Whole school attendance rate year to date (YTD) Whole school attendance rate past fortnight 

Student Attendance Level: Proportion of students attending 90% or more YTD

(90% equates to missing one day a fortnight or a week a term)


GradePrepGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6
% attendance rate YTD92.6%91.3%93.2%90.9%92.5%92.1%92.6%

Whole school late attendance year to date (YTD) 

Whole school late attendance past fortnight 



For more information regarding attendance please follow the link to the Education Department's Attendance Policy

The importance of a healthy breakfast

The health benefits of breakfast are really important, especially for young people. A recent report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has found that one in seven school children are skipping a morning meal and missing out on the important benefits of breakfast.

It’s a worrying statistic given that eating breakfast has been linked with improved English and maths skills in school children! 

Skipping breakfast may affect your child’s concentration or leave them feeling ‘fuzzy’. This is because the brain is starving for energy and needs fuel from nutritious foods like grainy bread, breakfast cereals, fruit and milk so it can function at its very best throughout the day.

To ensure your children are receiving the benefits of breakfast, choose a healthy breakfast meal which is high in fibre, has a low Glycemic Index (GI) and includes some protein.

For more information please visit http://www.linkhc.org.au/the-benefits-of-breakfast/

Child anxiety

Anxiety is part of our survival instinct. When we’re faced with a threatening situation, our brains and bodies respond by kicking into safety mode. Our adrenalin starts pumping, helping us get ready to escape the danger.

However, some people, including children, react more quickly or intensely to situations they find threatening or find it harder to get their anxious feelings under control. Some kids also perceive the world to be scarier or more dangerous than others. 

For more information please visit https://healthyfamilies.beyondblue.org.au/age-6-12/mental-health-conditions-in-children/anxiety

Children Won’t Say They Have Anxiety, They Say ‘My Stomach Hurts!’ Here are some helpful things to say.

Thank you Code REaD Dyslexia Network


We are currently collecting bread tags, bottle tops and old mobile phones at school. This not only saves these items from landfill, but helps others less fortunate than us.


Thank you to everyone for all of your bread tags so far - we have collected just over a kilogram of tags that will be delivered to Urban Upcycle, where they will be passed on and help contribute to the purchase of wheelchairs in South Africa.  Please continue to bring them in and place them in your classroom collection box.


We are also collecting bottle top lids. These lids are being turned into 3D plastic, which is then used to make prosthetic limbs for third world countries. Please place any lids you have in the box outside the office. There is also a box for any old mobile phones you no longer need or use.


If you would like to further information about these projects, please follow these links:

Breadtags  https://www.breadtagsforwheelchairs.co.za


Bottle tops https://envision.org.au/envision-hands/

Mobile phones https://www.zoo.org.au/get-involved/act-for-wildlife/theyre-calling-on-you


Thanks again for everyone’s support of these great causes.