World's Greatest Shave

In March this year, Melbourne Girls’ College participated in the World’s Greatest Shave and raised $9310.97. The Leukaemia Foundation has awarded us as one of Victoria’s Top Fundraisers for the World’s Greatest Shave.

That money helps go towards:

  • Emotional support and information from trained professionals
  • Accommodation during treatment
  • Patient transport
  • Funding research projects

This Philanthropy Team would once again like to acknowledge to following students who shaved their heads:

1.         Lulu McCuaig of Yr 12

2.         Meg Funston of Yr 11

3.         Wan-Qing O’Neill of Yr 10

4.         Veronique Villis of Yr 10

5.         Laura Wilcox from Yr 9

6.         Claudia Mountjouris of Yr 9

7.         Jazzy Hughes of Yr 8

8.         Mr Deery

9.         Mr Li

The Philanthropy Team looks forward to your support in this event in 2019.