Diversity Week

Diversity Week
(Monday 2nd to Friday 6th September 2019)
Monday – Cultural Day
This year, we started off bringing the school together as one with a whole school assembly to highlight the importance of understanding difference. Students proudly spoke about cultural heritage such as Indigenous culture, the importance of mental health, inclusion, uniqueness and LGBTQI+ groups. Later that day at lunchtime students and staff made cultural dishes for the Food Festival. There was a lot of food and students learnt about different cultural foods. It was a delicious experience.
Tuesday – Individuality Day
In free dress clothes, students expressed their individuality as they also did by signing up for the 'Fairhills Has Talent' show! The turn out to watch and support peers was excellent to see.
A variety of acts were on show including musical instruments such as the drums, pianos and guitars. There were also dances and singing acts on showcase too. 1st place went to Raylene Lu and Angela Abitago for their piano and singing act, followed by 2nd to Sammy and the Improv Crew (Sam Heydon, Moke Houpapa, Matthew Erasmus and Dylan Mace) for their song with guitar and dance video act and lastly 3rd to Jesse Elderhorst for his guitar solo act. Students were rewarded with some prizes for their achievements. There were many honorable mentions including Josh Ludbrook on drums and also Brandon Grosso on drums. A big congratulations to these students and all who bravely went on stage to perform!
Wednesday – Inclusion Day
Students learnt what it would be like to have to rely on different senses if for example sight was lost. A blindfolded taste test was a great way to get students to understand taste, texture and smell. It was a fun experience especially seeing students taste test the limes! A blind-folded obstacle course allowed students to understand how to give and receive instructions and there was a three legged race too!
Thursday – Mental Health Day
There was so much laughter had on Thursday. We also had a dart popping balloon game with prizes and positive chalk messages to express kindness! Knox Youth Services also came to ignite conversations about mental health. An OK mural was also made by Riley Colcott and Jesse Elderhorst which has positive messages in it and students signatures. This mural will go into the Wellbeing room.
Friday – LGBTQI+ Day
The rain held off for the colour run game. Students and staff had a lot of fun running around! Students also expressed themselves with colours today for LGBTQI+ day with a gold coin donation! Students Olivia Barker, Pream Hanthaweekon Charlotte Black, Kelly Choi and Abbey Hodge also made their beautiful sign for the colour run!
This week fostered an excellent sense of positive wellbeing and could not have been done without various students from Year 7 – 12 leading the way, social worker students (Liam, Cassie, Kim and Jame), Wellbeing Leader Amal, various staff for their setting up equipment and organisation as well as administration for various tasks. All donations made throughout the week will be going to the Wellbeing Centre.