From the Office

Finance Information - Subject Requisite Fees
Many thanks to all our parents who have paid their Subject Requisites. The school has just been able to purchase new microscopes for use in Science. Your subject requisite payments go towards purchasing items required for your child to use in class. Without your payments the school could not provide materials like this.
If you have outstanding fees can you please call the office to arrange payment. This will also help reduce your debt before the 2020 fees are sent out next term.
Contact Details
REMEMBER to update your contact details with the office if you change phone numbers / address / place of employment. We may need to contact you in the case of an emergency.
If your child has a medical alert for ASTHMA, DIABETES, ANAPHYLAXIS or EPILEPSY the school MUST be supplied with a new Management Plan every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to the school.
New Soft shell black jackets/Uniform Shop
Many of our students have purchased the new soft shell black jackets and they love the style and warmth. If you have purchased one, please ensure your child’s name is clearly on it. Jackets can be purchased for $100 through the Uniform shop. The on-site Uniform Shop is open every Thursday from 12.00 - 4.00pm.
Uniform Price List
If you have any uniforms or books that are no longer being used and you would like to donate them to the school, please bring them to the General Office. These will be used for families in need.
Lost Property
If your child has misplaced anything at school - please ask that they check at the School Office.
School Uniforms which are named are returned to students as soon as they are handed in (please check that your student has his/her name clearly marked on each item of school uniform).
Student Absences
If your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reasons, parents can either mark it directly on COMPASS or by calling the Absence Hotline on 9758 5022.
All parents are asked to regularly check students Unexplained Absences in COMPASS to ensure all absences are recorded according to the Department of Education regulations.
To check:
- Log into COMPASS & click onto your child's 'Attendance' Tab
- Click on the 'Unexplained' Tab
- Any unexplained absences will appear here with the date and period to be approved
- You can click in the boxes on the left side of the page and select the dates to record your approval with the appropriate reason for the absence
- If your child has attended a school related activity and missed their scheduled class and not been flagged in an event or has been accidentally marked incorrectly could you please email the school to have this amended in their absence records
- Parents can enter approvals for upcoming absences prior to the event in advance such as Family Holidays, Medical appointments etc. in the 'Notes & Approvals' Tab to the left of the 'Unexplained' Tab
- Alternatively, parents can email the school or send a note to the Office, which includes the Student's Name, Home Group, Reason for Absence and Dates of Absence or phone the School Student Absence line to record any absences.
If your child has missed a SAC or been away for more than a couple of days, then they will be required to supply a doctor's certificate.
Bell Times
8.35 | Locker Bell |
8.45 | Period 1 |
10.00 | Recess |
10.20 | Locker Bell |
10.25 | Period 2 |
11.40 | Transit |
11.45 | Period 3 |
1.00 | Start of Lunch |
1.25 | Middle of Lunch |
1.45 | Locker Bell |
1.50 | Period 4 |
3.05 | Students finish |
Visitors should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with a child. Appointments with teachers can be made via telephone or email.
9758 5022 (8.30am-4.00pm)