Sport/PE/Outdoor Ed

Olympic Change Makers Program
I had the privilege of being able to represent my school in the very first Olympic Change Maker Program, this experience broadened my view of how I can become a better leader for myself and people around me. It was extremely fun and I definitely recommend people try and participate in this, as I was able to make new friends and listen to professional athletes talk about their respected events, this gave me the opportunity to see them differently, allowing me to connect with them more on a personal level. I would like to thank Mr Potter for selecting me, and as well as Jayde for taking her time out of her day to drive us down to Footscray.
Dylan Mace, Year 12
Sports Captain
Glenfern Valley Bushlands Visit
Mr Milner's Y12 Outdoor Ed class spent the afternoon on Thursday 5th September learning about Environmental indicators, endangered species & management strategies at Glenfern Valley Bushlands.