Weeks 4 & 5


In Reading and Writing students have been looking at text type and structure with particular focus on narrative text. A narrative is a text that tells a story. The story can be realistic, imagined, or a mix of both. Students have been focusing on the elements of a narrative text ; the characters, setting, problem and solution and have been using images within the text to identify key objects and events. Students have been identifying the parts of a story in terms of the beginning, middle and end and have learnt that the problem can usually be found in the middle of a story and the solution to the problem at the end of the story. Students have used a range of aided language displays to support their writing of narrative texts and have been focussing on the use of descriptive words (adjectives) within their writing.

Social Competencies

Our students often experience difficulties with turn taking including waiting for a turn, missing a turn and winning and losing. Students have been involved in a range of role plays and real situations that focusses on developing these skills. Strategies such as using "chit chat in your head" and "maybe next time” have been used to assist students in these situations. Students have also revisited “calming down” strategies which include: taking deep breaths, squeezing my hands, counting to 10, sitting and rubbing my legs and thinking about happy things.

Integrated Studies

As part of the Sea Life unit students have continued to observe the features of sea animals and investigated how these animals move, feed and protect themselves.Students have begun to explore and compare the habitats of different sea animals and how they can contribute to the sustainability of the environment.