Student Wellbeing



While most children easily transition back into the routines of school life, for some children, the start of the school year can be a challenging time for both the child and their family. It can be an exciting time, but also an anxious one. Lots of kids – and their parents – feel nervous in the build up to their first day back. This is really common and very normal, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful! Having your child attend school for the first time or starting a new school can create even more anxiety for some children.


Preparation is key to dealing with situations where there are lots of unknowns. The more things feel familiar and controlled, the more your child or young person can relax and feel confident about what’s happening. 


The BE YOU Program (Beyond Blue) offers some wonderful strategies and tips to make the transition back to school a positive experience for all: 


Left: The Cromwell Family (Willow - Yr 6, Archie - Yr 4 and Hugo - Prep) ready for their first day back at St Joseph's School.


Also be aware, that the start of the school year can be a nervous time for parents as much as kids, but it’s important to try and keep your own anxiety levels under control. The more you can stay calm and present school as a fun, positive experience, the better.



To read the full article 

click the link below:

 Happy, Healthy Kids PARENT COURSE

Acclaimed Social and Emotional Teacher Educator, Louise Middleton, director of Happy Healthy Kids, has released a brand-new Parent Social-Emotional Learning Program aimed at helping parents support their child who may be experiencing symptoms of stress, worries or anxiety, or for children who may just need help boosting their resilience and coping strategies.

See the brochure below for details: 

Enjoy your first week settling back after holidays!


Warm Regards,


(Student Wellbeing Leader)