Religious Dimension

Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to all members of our school community! 

I would like to acknowledge our Parish Priest - Father John McGinty and Carmel (Parish Secretary) and thank them for another year of support for our community. 


A major goal for the school this year is to re-build our Catholic Identity. 


Religious Education in the contemporary world aims to;

  • Foster within each individual a relationship with God.
  • Immerse children in the story of the Catholic Faith Traditions and to understand the faith traditions in others.
  • Create better self knowledge and nurture the faith and spiritual journey of all at St Joseph’s
  • Actively commit to acts of Social Justice and Reconciliation and recognise that these are grounded in the story of Jesus.

This year will see our Sacramental program continue for the following year levels:

Year 3 - Sacrament of Reconciliation (9 March)

Year 4 - Sacrament of Eucharist (28 July)

Year 5 & 6 - Sacrament of Confirmation (21 May)


Opening School Mass

On Thursday 9th February at 9.15am we will come together as a school community to celebrate the start of our new school year. At Mass, we will welcome our new Prep children, staff and the children who have commenced in other grades. We warmly invite all our family and friends to join us in our celebrations. 

