Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1


  • All of Room 1 students, for their fantastic work and success in their first year of schooling for 2022!

Room 2


  • Ishara has tried very hard with her reading this week. Well done learning new words!
  • Celine has demonstrated working hard on her matching this week with staff assistance.


Room 3

  • Ibrahim, for helping to set up the daily visual schedule.
  • Mikaeel, for using his words to request ‘playground’ with the support of a visual. 


Room 4

  • All of Room 4 for trying your best to demonstrate the JSA expected behaviours during classroom and playground.


Room 5

  • All students in Room 5 for making excellent choices in 2022.  

Room 6

  • All of Room 6 for all your hard work and achievements this year and for showing JSA expected behaviours during the classroom, playground and our excursions.

Room 7

  • Carter and Nivan for choosing their own book to read in the library. 

Room 8

  • All of Room 8 are stars for looking after themselves, others & property in 2022!

Room 9

  • Alex for great work in maths adding and subtracting two digits sums.
  • Christian for great work in English and for practising his spelling words using the letter blocks.