Primary Sub-School News

Rachael Macmillan
Rachael Macmillan

Last week was our final week with staff and students in their 2022 classrooms. As you may already know, this week our students will have Transition week, which means they will be in their 2023 classrooms. (This excludes Monday which is a Curriculum Day). Students also have two more days in their new classrooms on the Monday and Tuesday of the following week.

For Primary students, this means that they may be moving to a new classroom in the Primary corridor, or some may be remaining in the same classroom, but with some new students and staff. Some older Primary students, may be transitioning from the Primary Sub School to the Middle Sub School. All students should have received a social story this week to support them with this change. Please ensure to read this with your child over the next few days. If you haven't received a story, or you have any questions about Transition week, please let your child's class teacher or myself know.

Next week, we will focus on fun and engaging social games. Please ensure your child has a sun hat because these games may take place outside. 

Your child may come home a little more tired than usual over the next couple of weeks as it is the end of the term and the weather has warmed up. They may need a little more downtime after school to relax and do something that is calming and enjoyable. 


Room 9

Term 4, What an awesome and busy term as the students have enjoyed excursions exploring learning outside the classroom which included exploring Queen Victoria Market, Science Works and Bundoora Park Farm. Students were fascinated with the Planetarium at Science works by watching the show “Tycho goes to mars” and at Bundoora Park  Farm have the opportunity to get up close to the animals to give the animals a pat. They thought it was very cool. Students continue to develop their skills in numeracy and literacy tasks but really enjoy participating in the weekly Kahoot learning about the Positive Gender Relations topic of the week and also revising work in Maths and English. The Kahoot game can be very competitive at times and not just for the students even the staff showed their competitive side. Room 9 students and teaching staff wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday break. All the best for 2023.