Class Celebrations

Grade Prep


Last Thursday, we had dinner at school to celebrate a fantastic year. First we had a snack and played some games on the oval. Then Dazzling Dan the magician performed his amazing show. Finally we finished the night off with pizza. It was great to be able have some fun together and reflect on how much they have achieved this year. 

Highlights for the year

Chaiya Davies (00C)- My highlight this year has been learning lots of new things. 

Audrey Grant (00C)- My highlight this year was going to the Werribee Zoo and learning how to read independently. 

Grade 1

Imaginative Writing- Narrative

The Grade One students have been working extremely hard on their published narratives. Navigating their way through the writing process means a lot of focus and persistence is required and all students have shown great maturity in their completion of this work. The planning process for a well written narrative means a lot of pre-work and students spent a lot of time learning about each element that makes a successful story. Students are extremely excited to be sharing their work with their families next week in a Publishing Picnic. The publishing part of the writing cycle is the most exciting as students get to see all their hard work pay off!  

Grade 2 

Last week the Grade 2 children took part in the annual intensive swimming programme at the Ocean Grove pool.  The programme ran very smoothly, with most children being able to explain how their swimming skills had improved. 

Grade 3

Last week Grade 3 students celebrated an amazing year but going on a bike ride to Ocean Grove Main Beach. We had a lot of parent helpers and our Police Liaison Officer; Senior Constable Justin Joseph join us on the bike ride.


Everyone had a wonderful time and were able to ride safely using the skills they have learnt throughout the year in bike safety, such as ABCD Checks (Air, Breaks, Chain and Drop) to ensure bikes and safety gear was in working order. They worked on communication with signaling, stopping and slowing and practiced this through signal file riding. Also, students learnt how to navigate a roundabout and intersection using signals.  


It was wonderful to see the students represent our school so amazingly.


Grade 4

It's been a very busy couple of weeks for the Grade 4's, we've had excursions, camps and our Dip Festival.


Last Wednesday to Friday we had our camp to Lyrebird Park, we had an incredible time and got to participate in some fantastic activities such as the flying fox, archery, bush walking, orienteering, damper making and rock climbing.


A big thank you for all the adult helpers; Ms Thomas, Mr Steven, Ms Geerings, Ms Umbers, Mr Haslam, Ethan, Fiona and Mr O. We couldn't have done it without you!

Check out the Gratitude letters our students wrote and some photos from our camp to Lyrebird Park.

Maggie T's Writing
Mac's Writing
Maggie T's Writing
Mac's Writing

Grade 5

The Garden: 

Last week grade five worked in the garden. We were split into groups of 4-6, with each group having its own job. The different jobs were; compost, weeding, planting basil, tomatoes and marigolds, and watering specific plants. I was in the weeding group. We had a patch of long grass that we had to weed. The grass was a threat to the potatoes that were growing nearby, as they were starting to take over. Everyone enjoyed their jobs and we all had lots of fun. By the end of our two hours, the garden was flawless. The same week we got to see our prep buddies. We planted sunflowers with them. While the first group of grade fives and their buddies planted the sunflowers, we stacked some small stones. Afterwards we ate lunch with them and said goodbye. We have all enjoyed working in the garden, and can't wait for the next time we get the opportunity!! 



For the last few weeks 5C have been helping Deidre, Margret and Leigh in the garden. Margret did an acknowledgment of country and taught us about the word cede. Most of our knowledge about our school's beautiful garden comes from them. They have talked to us about gardening and companion planting. Companion planting is where you put multiple plants and herbs that work well together in the same area of the garden and they help each other to grow. Using companion planting means that you don’t have to use chemicals or pesticides so we have completely organic plants and food. Some examples of companion plants are basil, tomatoes and marigolds. It has been so fun working in the garden.



At the beginning of our gardening we learned all the garden rules, and learned about the process of planting and caring for a tomato plant. When we finally got to spend time in the garden we started by choosing a baby tomato plant to take home, and there was a variety of tomatoes to choose from, some I have never even heard of! Some of the types included Tommy Toes and Yellow Tommy Toes, Black Cherries, Tomatoes to make Passata and even one called Orange Sunrise Bumblebee! We all took one home, and we are taking care of them. Hopefully they grow some Tomatoes! We then started learning about Passata and all the steps that go into making it. It was very interesting to learn about and soon we will get to make and taste it!



In the garden, 5C have also been helping with composting, weeding, planting and just generally cleaning up. We also learnt how to plant tomatoes, basil and marigolds and even got to take our own tomato plant of our choice home. The grade 5’s also planted sunflowers with their buddies in the garden. At the end of term, all the grade 5’s will be having a tomato party and finally get to taste the beautiful tomatoes! We will be making so many delicious things with things in the garden. We have all loved helping out in the garden with Deidre, Margret and Leigh. We have also been harvesting lots of plants, and we are so grateful to be able to have this opportunity! Thank you to Deidre, Margret and Leigh.



3 weeks ago on friday was the first time we went to the garden. It was lots of fun,we learnt all about the tomatoes and we harvested the garlic. We also got to choose a tomato to take home. I (Ella ) chose the tommy tomato because it's very yummy and small. Josie chose San Marzano. She chose it because it was going to grow into a big, chunky and juicy tomato. 2 weeks ago we watered plants, harvested and planted seeds. It was just as fun.

By Ella Harvey and Josie Webb

Information Reports

Recently, we have been starting to research information on a topic for information reports in Writing. I have personally chosen to do mine on different species of squid. I so far have learnt quite a lot I didn't know, such as the fact that squids actually have 3 hearts. I have also come across the fact that some use changeable patterns on their skin to communicate! However now by the time you're reading this we will probably have reached around the start of the writing process. And while I may be doing squids, everyone is doing different things, like basketball, or maybe giraffes. 



This week the year 5’s have been working on an information report of their choice. We have gathered as much information over three sessions before we started drafting. Holly is doing hers on Phoebe Tonkin who acted as Cleo Setori in H2O: Just Add Water, her favorite TV show. Matilda Cole did her information report on bottlenose dolphins which is one of her favorite animals. 


An information report is written to educate someone about a topic. A report is usually 5 paragraphs long. You start with an introduction that tells the reader what the topic is and to hook them into reading more about the topic . Then, you start the next three paragraphs (the body.) They will tell you more about the topic and some facts that go along with it. Next, you end with a conclusion which sums up the whole Information report.  Information reports are easy and fun, if you are looking for something to do. Hopefully one day you will get to do an information report and we hope you have fun like we had writing this report!

 We will be drafting and then publishing these pieces to hang up in our classrooms.

By Matilda R, Matilda C and Holly D 

Grade 6

Remembering their primary school years: 


Yr 6 have been reflecting on their last 7 years of schooling as exemplified in the below selection of 'About Me' posters. Please note that all Yr 6 student's posters will be on display in the gym on Graduation Night, Wednesday December 14th.