Student Learning

Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal & Learning and Teaching Leader

A very warm welcome to all our children and families!

It has been so lovely to see all the students and families return to Trinity after our long Christmas break. I would especially like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new families. We are very excited to have you join our vibrant learning community at Trinity.


It has been wonderful to see our students settle so quickly and happily into their new classes. There is a lovely buzz around the school as students reconnect with their friends from last year and discover new friendships this year. It is also exciting to see our children's faces light up as they engage in learning in their new settings.

Planning Learning for 2023 

Towards the end of last year, and over the last few weeks, the teachers have been busy planning learning for the beginning of 2023.  Each week, teachers are engaged in collaborative planning time where they look at student data and the Victorian Curriculum to plan for student learning. Over the next few weeks, the children will be involved in Literacy and Numeracy assessments, and this data will help teachers design learning to meet the needs of the students in their class. 


This week is 'Orientation Week' at Trinity. This is an opportunity for students and teachers to get to know each other, revisit positive behaviours and develop new routines for learning. Students will be completing some pre-assessments as well as getting organised for the school year. On Tuesday, families were invited to participate in a family activity with their child/children at school. This was a great opportunity to welcome families into our school and for students to enjoy this time with their families in their class environment.


Family Engagement in Learning at Trinity

At Trinity, we encourage and value families being involved, and participating, as much as you are able, in your child's learning. There will be opportunities for you to join us on many occasions. This may be as a Parent Helper - listening to children read in the classroom or supporting with school excursions, or coming along to Talking Circles or the Learning Expo, to name just a few examples. 


This year Bridget O'Connor is our Family Engagement Leader and she will be working hard to ensure relationships between families and school are encouraged, valued and nurtured, as the research shows that this contributes to improved student learning outcomes. You will hear more about this from Bridget over the coming weeks. 


I will also be running a Helper Workshop for any families who are interested in helping in the classroom. The date is yet to be confirmed, but in the meantime please check that your 'Working With Children Check' is up to date.

Learning Diversity

Helen Varthalis is our Learning Diversity Leader at Trinity. She works with teachers and students, and also meets with families to ensure that all students' learning needs are catered for.  If you have any concerns about your child's learning, you are also wecome to chat with Helen who is here at Trinity on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Home Learning

Home Learning will commence in Week 3 this term. Students will take home a levelled reader or lexiled book as part of their Home Reading. Students are encouraged to read at home every day and to complete home learning activities across the week. These activities will be related to the learning that is happening at school. There will be more information about home learning in the coming weeks, but for now here is the link to our Home Learning Policy. 

Learning Overviews 

In Week 3, the Learning Overviews for Term 1 will be attached to our School Newsletter. This will outline the learning that will be undertaken this term for each year level.

Parent Chats & Information Night

Over the next few weeks we will have two very important nights for you to attend. The Parent Chats (held in Week 2) are an opportunity for you to meet your child's class teacher and to share with them any important information that you feel your child's teacher needs to know about your child. The Parent Information Night (held in Week 3) is an opportunity to meet the teachers in our school community followed by time in your child's class to listen to the class teachers as they share information about class routines, home learning, important dates and events, and learning at school, as well as how you can support them at school.

Learning Events/Opportunities in Term 1

Parent Chats (Week 2 - Thursday 9/2)

Information Night (Week 3 - Thursday 16/2)

Home Learning Commences (Week 3 - Monday 13/2)

Parent Helper Workshop (Date TBC)

Learning Expo (Week 10 -  Wednesday 5/4)

NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5 (Week 8 and 9)


If at any time you would like to chat about the learning at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher or myself. I am excited about the year ahead and feel privileged to support your child and their learning, and I look forward to seeing them flourish throughout the year.


Kind Regards, 


Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader