Celebration of 


Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up!


It was so wonderful to see everyone all dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up. On Friday the 25th of November all students dressed up in a variety of outfits to raise money for the school. We had lots of aspiring teachers, nurses, doctors, zoo keepers, builders and athletes. It was great to hear from students as to why they want to do this job when they grow up. The SRC members did a wonderful job in organising this great event. We’re pleased to announce that we raised $322! Thank you so much to everyone that got involved. 

Foundation Fun

We love the creativity of our class! Interesting ways to wear birthday hats! 

Happy birthday Hayley!

We celebrated our teacher assistant, Hayley’s birthday. We practiced our writing skills by each making her a birthday card. 

The Foundation students have LOVED going swimming and learning about water safety!