Term 4  Calendar 

Term 4

Every Monday morning 8.30amBreakfast Club in the Art Room
Every Wednesday morning 8.30amToast and Talk in the Community Room
Every FridayIcyPole sales at lunchtime 50cents

Monday 12th December

at Hall

Year 6 Graduation Ceremony 5pm - 7pm (Students at hall by 4.45pm)

Monday 12th December

at Hall

Grade 6 Graduation dinner and party 7pm-9pm
Tuesday 13th DecemberStatewide Transition day for Grade 6 going to public Year 7 Colleges
Wednesday 14th DecemberHouse Sports Day - House Colours 
Thurs. 15th Dec from 5:30pm-6:30pmChristmas Concert on the basketball courts
Fri. 16th DecMeet your 2023 Teacher 11.30am-1.30pm
Fri. 16th Dec at 9am-10amAssembly on basketball courts
Mon. 19th Dec at 11am-11.30amParent Helper morning tea in staff room
Mon. 19th Dec Last Day of Term normal dismissal time at 3.15pm
Tuesday 20th DecemberCurriculum Day (No Students)