Fun At the Front Desk 

with Jane & Lisa 

Merry Christmas from Jane & I, we wish all our families a  wonderful break and we look forward to hearing all the wonderful stories when we return in 2023.

Bank Account Change

***** Our bank account has now changed *****

ALL direct deposits/transfer will be rejected when paying into the Bendigo bank

Please delete BPay details stored on file also.


Our New account details are: 

Somerville Primary School operating account

BSB:         063 093 (CBA)

Account:   10000845


Book lists & School Contributions have all gone home please contact the office if you have not received these in your students bag.



Any temporary medication you have onsite or expired medication, please come to the office and pick up for the holidays. 


Lost Property


 Any lost property left at the end of the term will be washed and donated. Please come and look through to make sure none of it is yours




Any unexplained absences, you can either update this through Sentral:

  • Click on The Sentral App
  • Click on Absences Icon
  • Click on the + symbol at the top right corner
  • Select Student, reason, put in dates absent and any additional comments
  • Press Submit.

 or let us know at the office the reason for your child's absence, this helps tidy up our end of year procedures.


2nd Hand Uniform


Please feel free to look at our 2nd hand uniform, ask in the office and we can get the correct Size tubs out for you to look through.  We also have some second hand school bags and some second hand hats. All clothes sold for a gold coin donation.

Also if you have outgrown any we are getting low and would happily take donations.


Don't forget to clearly label the uniform

PSW Back to School Flyer