Parent's Association

Learning Area Support

The key role of the Parent's Association is to raise funds to support the Learning Areas to provide our students with additional resources to enrich their experiences and learning at school.  At our last meeting we considered the requests from Learning Areas and allocated funds for the following initiatives and programs:

1.  Four new spin bikes the Fitness Training Centre.  This is the last of the major purchases for this fantastic facility.  The Fitness Centre is used by all year levels, but in particular allows our older students to use a wide range of quality equipment to apply their learning.  As parents we would like to acknowledge the great work undertaken by the Health and PE teams led by Mr Dave Black and Mr Nathan Rogers in creating new programs for our kids and providing them with a great learning space.

2.  New equipment for the Product Design workshop including a laser cutter, cordless drill, foam cutter, digital printer, lego kits and saw.  Ms Vicky Rumble and her team of Product Design Teachers continue to review and redevelop our workshop to ensure our students are working with the latest technology.  These are fantastic additions to the 3D printer, Laser Cutter and CNC machine purchased last year.

3.  A new set of bike helmets and four new kayaks for the Outdoor Education program.  The bike helmets ensure there is quality control in relation to head protection for all our students when out on the bikes.  They are maintained and monitored by the school and replaced when needed.  The four kayaks supplement the existing fleet and ensure we are able to take larger groups of students onto the water.  We thank Mr Kimberley Graham and all the teachers who take Outdoor Education experiences (including camps) for how much they give of their own time to make these days memorable for our kids.

4.  A class set of Lab coats and an appropriate rack for Science. Much needed due to the high number of practical classes our Science teachers organise and run for our students so that their learning is hands on rather than entirely theoretical.

5.  Ongoing funding for the student Art Club run by Ms Suzanne Tate.  This is an after school class run for students of all ages to allow them to pursue their passion or to learn a new skill.  We also once agin provided funding to the Middle Years sub school to run the Gold Awards initiative.  This has been running for a couple of years and acknowledges and rewards those who show good citizenship around the College.  Mr Darren Hoogkamer, Miss Kathleen Timms and the Year Level Leaders work hard to ensure that our students efforts are acknowledge both formally and in a fun atmosphere.

Presentation Balls

Last weekend we held the Presentation Balls.  This is the major fundraiser of the Parent's Association each year.  We would like to thank the following staff for making this event was the great success it was.

Miss Kate Chamberlain and Miss Krystal Shaw for their countless hours coaching students in their dancing, supervising rehearsals and problem solving the myriad of issues that come from such an event.

We would also like to thank Mrs Tanya Mackenzie for all the administrative work she does in the background.

Both nights were a great success with students showcasing their new dancing skills and families enjoying a night out.  The raffle was a huge success.  Probably due to the large number of quality prizes.  We were lucky enough to have 33 hampers full with gifts donated by the schools suppliers and local businesses.

Democracy Sausages

The Election Day sausage was a huge success. We were sold out by 10.45am and had to make an emergency dash to the butcher for more supplies. These too, went very quickly and we were again sold out and packed up by 2:00pm.  A big thank you to those parents who manned the BBQ and also to all those who chose to cast their vote at the College and bought a sausage.  All funds go back into the pool to allocate to Learning Areas next year.