Assistant Principals

Presentation Balls

The two Presentation Balls were a smash hit last weekend.  The students looked amazing and so grown up.  The dancing, although not without the odd glitch here and there, looked like fun.  Families clearly thought so as once the formalities were over the dance floor was pumping on both nights.

The year 11 students have clearly worked hard over the year to prepare for the night and although there  was some nerves they managed to carry it off well.  It was a treat to hear about their aspirations and dreams and to see how dearly they hold their families.

Special acknowledgement to Kate Chamberlain and Krystal Shaw for all the additional hours they put in.  Their work on the Balls goes above and beyond, as it occurs on top of their other roles not instead of.  We'd also like to acknowledge Jess and Crystal, the dance teachers and Tanya Mackenzie for the back ground administration of the event.

Please check out the photos on the next page.

School Uniform

Just a reminder that now that the winter months are on us that students should be dressed warmly for school whilst still being in school uniform.  We ask for parents support in discouraging students from wearing hoodies and other non uniform options in place of, or under school uniform.  


This year, in consultation  with students we introduced the rugby jumper as an alternative to the woollen school jumper.  The students who are wearing them are reporting that they are soft, warm and comfortable and they like the way they look.  For an additional layer students may wear a long sleeved white t shirt under their shirt.


We know that despite our best intentions that school uniform is a fashion statement for students and that getting boys and girls into long pants can be difficult however this is clearly the warmer option in winter. 


The uniform shop has girls and boys pants as well as rugby jumpers and warm jackets in stock.

Car Park Issues


Due to concerns about safety for our students and staff we ask that parents do not use the main carpark as a drop off and pick up zone at the beginning or  end of the school day.  The double parked cars waiting for students are a hazard that prevent a clear line of sight for students walking through the car park and create mayhem at the end of the day in terms of access.  


Please consider the ample parking on the streets around the College as a safer pick up point for your child.



Catherine Ford, Shane Kruger and

Andrew Lewis

Assistant Principals