Principal's Report

Education was never intended to make people comfortable, it was meant to make them think!    Hannah Holborn Gray

Speech Day proved to be a wonderful occasion last week. The College was on show and I commend the Class of 2019 on their immaculate behaviour. I thank the significant number of staff and wider community who contributed towards the numerous celebrations to honour our departing Year 12s. 

My address did capture people’s attention, and some have suggested, I share my message with the broader community.  Last Friday, I shared my deep concern that today’s society is increasingly over protecting our young and denying them the ability to learn to think deeply. Thankfully it is not happening here to the same extent as in larger cities yet it remains a point of concern to me on a number of fronts.  This rising intolerance for opposing viewpoints is challenging the merits of true liberal education. Mental toughness is no longer regarded and children are being given permission to disengage before they have started learning because the topic does not appeal or interest them; sometimes it offends them.  To learn more, please read my attached speech. I welcome your comments and feedback.

Dr Andrew Hirst