A Few Things to Consider

Star Words

Star words will continue this semester and it is an expectation that all students put their own folders in the box or basket when they need a new list of words.  It is good to go back over old lists on a regular basis to make sure that your child still knows previous list words. From time to time, your child may be asked to revise old lists before they move onto a new list. We are continually checking these words are in your child's long term memory. The aim of the Star Words is to consolidate all high frequency words and is not a race to complete all sheets.

Home Reading Books

It is an expectation that reading occurs most nights and children need to return their home reading books and have their yellow diary  to enable them to borrow again.

Home reading should be a fun and rewarding experience for all involved, so if it is becomming a battle or a source of frustration, take a break and try again later. It is fine to read a book with your child (eg a page each) or to read to your child before they read the book to you. Aim for 15 mins at the most as children will often lose concentration after that point.

Homework Grid

This semester our homework grids will include a handwriting booklet to enable the children to practise their handwriting skills. Each booklet will have a set of letters that we have previously done in handwriting lessons in the classroom.

Bell Times


Yard Duty commences daily at 8:30am.

No students should be in the yard without parent supervision before this time.

8:40- preparation bell

Doors will open at 8:40am on Wednesdays (Independence Day) and on Assembly Fridays only.

8:50- school bell

Doors will open at 8:50 and learning commences. Children independently complete their jobs and choose a Discovery Time activity.

Roll books are marked between 8:50-9:10am. If your child is entering the classroom after this time, they will need to be signed in at the front office and will be marked late.

Discovery Time is an integral part of our curriculum where students are accessing learning from every curriculum area as well as key social and developmental skills. These include turn taking, teamwork, positive communication, problem solving getting along and resilience to name few. It is a valued part of our day and it is important for each child to be a part of.

Healthy Eating 

Healthy eating will continue every morning before Target Time.

Following our unit on healthy eating, your child will be able to identify 'green light' foods that are appropriate foods to fuel their body for leanring.

A managable piece of fruit or vegetable is preferred for this time. 

Library  Days


LA7/8- Thursday

10 What Questions to Ask Your Child

1.  What did you do today that made you think hard?

2. What happened today that made you keep going?

3. What can you learn from this?

4. What mistakes did you make that taught you something?

5. What did you try hard at today?

6. What strategy could you use next time?

7. What will you do to challenge yourself today?

8. What will you do to imporve your work?

9. What was the best part of your day?

10. What will you do to solve this problem?