
The new French Room

Bonjour tout le monde

Bonjour Madame Suzanne

Au Revoir

Comment ça va?

Ça va bien?

Un, deux, trois…

Est-ce-que je peux parler anglais?

J’ai une question.

J’ai soif. Je veux boire.

Quel âge-as tu? J’ai huit ans et demi.

Je suis un pizza????  (I am a pizza??)


These are just some of the French phrases we now hear in the playground and in class – from Kinder students up to The Peppercorns.


In the new French Room, it is even more exciting as the students wander into class and begin speaking French straight away. They are all so confident and willing to give things a go – this attitude will support their learning and they will reap the rewards.



So far we have been looking at simple greetings, numbers 1-10, some colours and animals.  Favourite word  = 'chat'




5s - The Lighthouse

Greetings, discovering numbers 1-20, opposite words, class routines, days of the week, colours, and songs. 

Favourite word = 'bonjour'

French in the Lighthouse
French in the Lighthouse


6s & 7s - The Lofties

Opposite words, class routines, design our own opposite words game, days & months, gender, simple sentences. 

Favourite words = 'la bouche' and 'même'




8s & 9s - The Sunroom

Opposite words, class routines, simple sentences, introductions, Treasure Hunt.

Favourite phrase = 'Quel âge as-tu?’'


10s & 11s - the Peppercorns

Class routines, introductions, simple conversations, designing a personal Mandala, French grammar, frequently used expressions, create your own Rap or Interview.

Favourite phrase = 'Est-ce-que je peux parler anglais?'



Madame Suzanne et Sid

Suzanne Banfield 

French Teacher