Late 1930s Arlington
Late 1930s Arlington
By Libby Shade née Grierson
On Friday 14 October we held our third annual reunion for students born before 1960, and their teachers. About 30 people attended in the front rooms and hall of Arlington and were provided with many old photos, attendance rolls and interesting objects to look at. There were some great conversations about past times and people. The years rolled back and the memories came flooding.
We plan to hold another one next October, so please pass this information on to other friends of the same vintage.
You can contact Libby Shade at alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au or 9459 2670, and find our facebook page at Preshil Early Alumni.
By Libby Shade née Grierson
In the archives we are finding many examples of writings about the benefits and outcomes of playmaking, especially in the writings of Margaret Lyttle. For example, when writing in 1991, she observed:
"Playmaking has been an activity at Preshil almost from its beginning and I well remember the first play that I saw, "The Land of Witchety Dink", in about 1938. It evolved from the children's imaginative and creative group play which was all-pervading in the days before TV and the easily available plastic games and toys of today. In fact, it was preferred to organised team games in the ages up to 10-11 years.
In making Plays, children think, plan together, use imagination, initiate ideas, solve problems and meet difficulties and mostly with very little reference to any adults. They do all these things at their level, with their living together centred on something of value to them. Self-discipline, or better, co-operative living, must be in play-making-acting because it is group effort for and by the group, at the interest level of the group, and it is not some activity or task imposed from above by some adult.
The "making" of the Play, (planning, discussing, accepting and rejecting ideas, creating and executing stage scenery and the lighting, and the stage management), is of greater importance than the "acting" of the Play itself, but the audience is an important part of the Playmaking as one part of the goal which the children have set."
At the end of this year we said farewell to three members of the Preshil staff who retired after long associations with the School and its community – from the Secondary School, groundsman Spiros Sideras and Maths teacher David Main, and dance teacher Alumna Cush Phillips (Cohort 1978) from the Primary School. We thank them all for their many years of dedication, generosity of spirit and friendship, and all our best wishes go with them for a long and happy retirement.
By Felicity Renowden (former parent)
Remembering Melbourne is an initiative of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) released recently, a stunning photographic snapshot of nineteenth century Melbourne. Of interest to the Preshil community are two entries from the Kew Historical Society, one of ‘Blackhall’ before it became part of Preshil and ‘Rangeview’ where Margaret J. Lyttle (Greta) taught before Preshil was founded.
The publication is available from RHSV [93269288] and costs $35 if collected and $55 if posted.
Do you have a story to share with your fellow classmates? Perhaps a new business venture, a special achievement or a fond memory? If you would like to share something with the wider community, please email us at alumni@preshil.vic.edu.au
Photos are always welcome!