Community News

Red Hill Opportunity Shop
Red Hill Op Shop is looking for volunteers to join the group of wonderful men and women who support our organization.
The commitment is just one morning or afternoon once a month and you’ll meet some lovely people at the same time.
If you would prefer not to serve at the counter, there’s lots of other roles you could fill in such as: sorting, helping the area managers display their stock, admin, etc.
We’d love to hear from you, so please contact us to find out more!
Email: or
message us at
Financial Help
Rosebud Heart Soccer Club
New Players Wanted for Rye Netball Club
Players for age groups
13/U (born 2006/2007)
15/U (born 2004/2005)
Season commences March 16
For more information
0417 388 460
Briars Winter Activities
The Briars have a range of fun and exciting winter activities, including After Dark wildlife walks, Scavenger Hunts and lots, lots more. See below attachments for details.
Annual working bee and BBQ
Harrisons Road, Dromana
Saturday June 8th 2019, 8.30am
WHAT? Annual Community working bee & BBQ to undertake weed control works in the Harrisons Road - Road Reserve WHY? The road reserve on Harrisons Road, Dromana contains some of the best examples of remnant vegetation on the Mornington Peninsula. As well as containing important habitat for many of our native species, remnant vegetation on this road reserve provides essential links to other areas including Dromana Bushland Reserve, Bald Hill and Arthurs Seat State Park. These links are essential for the ongoing conservation of biodiversity on the Mornington Peninsula. In addition, the vegetation supports birds that eat the insects that attack our pastures.
WHEN? Saturday 8th June 8.30am until lunch. Meet in the Dromana Secondary College carpark. Come for just an hour if that’s all you have – that’s still great.
WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? 1. Satisfaction that you have helped to maintain a weed free habitat for our native plants and animals. You’ve protected our environment 2. To have a laugh and a yarn with fun people 3. Pick up tips about our native vegetation and eradication of weeds from local experts 4. Enjoy a good BBQ after our working bee, commencing around 1pm, meet and greet your neighbours from the district, relax, chat about your experiences. Dunns Creek Landcare provides: Morning tea and freshly baked goods, BBQ, tea, coffee, juice, bread, sausages, lamb cutlets, salads & tomato sauce! BYO: other food and drink of your choice
WHAT DO I DO NOW? RSVP: Let us know if you can join us, so we have an idea of numbers for food: Email: SMS: 0499 926 214 If you have other commitments that morning, just come for lunch to meet your neighbours ANYTHING ELSE? 1. We need someone, or a couple to run the BBQ. If you can do this instead of the working bee, please contact as above 2. Bring gloves, hat, boots, name badge, teenagers and enthusiasm. We’ll have secateurs, dabbers etc. If you have a favourite implement – bring it.
Red Hill Basketball Club
To the Red Hill Basketball Club Community,
As some of you may know there have been some changes recently at Red Hill Basketball Club.
The first is that club president, Bec Novotny has moved away from the Peninsula. As a club and community we would like to express our thanks to Bec for her tireless effort in running the club as President over the last 10 years. She has managed all teams, uniforms, registrations and training, which is a mammoth job, and we are so grateful for all that she has done. She will be missed! We wish Bec and her family all the best in their new home and new town.
We are excited to announce that our new club president is Mark Gilbert. Mark has been involved in the club as a coach and parent since 2014, and along with the committee, is keen to pick up where Bec left off and move the club forward.
The Committee is as follows:
President: Mark Gilbert Vice President: Michelle Owen Secretary: Emily Gilbert Uniform coordinator: Belinda Hannemann
| Girls team coordinator: Owen Gilbert Boys team coordinator: Mark Gilbert Finance/treasurer: Michelle Owen RHCS liaison/training schedule coordinator: Emily Gilbert
If you are interested in joining the committee in any way, please email us at – we would appreciate any time you could give.
If your child is interested in playing basketball in the Summer season, beginning in Term 4, please email your interest to We will be running training sessions for new players during Term 3 to prepare for the upcoming season. More details will be available towards the end of Term 2.
We are desperately looking for second-hand uniforms. We have plenty of new players wanting to buy second hand uniforms. If you have any that you are not using, please drop them to the office at Red Hill Consolidated School as soon as possible with your contact details. Any queries, please contact Belinda Hannemann on 0421 054 209 or email