Pathways News

Student Careers and Pathways Information
Dromana College is committed to the pathways of your child. It is an open and fully dedicated Careers resource centre where students can get advice and assistance about their pathway through and beyond secondary school.
It is not a resource centre just for senior students (though year 12 students will be prioritised) it is a resource centre for all students, in all year levels as well as for parents/guardians, 5 days a week, 8am – 4pm.
Are you studying Medicine in 2020?
Students planning to apply to Medicine, Dentistry and some Health Science courses in 2020 at selected Australian Universities – YOU MUST sit the UCAT - Undergraduate Clinical Admissions Test in JULY.
If you don’t sit the UCAT you will NOT be considered for some medical courses.
See institution website for full details or Derry in the Pathways office.
For more information and to book a place:
TAFE Free courses:
Free TAFE for Priority Courses will reduce the financial barrier for students wanting to train in courses that lead to jobs in demand.
Free TAFE for Priority Courses covers tuition fees for priority courses for students who are eligible for government subsidised training. This includes: 30 non apprenticeship courses and 20 Victorian Pre Apprenticeship courses.
For a full list of FREE TAFE courses:
If you are excited about working in Cyber Security, the Certificate IV in Cyber Security is a great starting point for a career in this area – and the Certificate IV is a FREE TAFE course.
Learn practical skills in a broad range of specialised areas including:
Cisco Networking
Fortinet Network Security Academy
Amazon Web Services
Australian Signals Directorate
Cybersecurity pathways: VCE or VCAL > Cert IV Cyber Security > Advanced Diploma Cyber Security >Bachelor Information Systems
NEW work SMARTS or Skills you need, to succeed in future workplaces.
By 2030, globalisation, automation and flexibility will change what we do in every JOB
A 15yr old today will have up to 17 jobs over 5 careers in their lifetime. Jobs for life pretty much don’t exist for today’s teenager.
New work SMARTS:
SMART LEARNING: Workers will spend more hours learning on the job than ever before. Continuous learning will be part of our every day work life.
JOB skills for the FUTURE:
- Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Communication (verbal)
- Interpersonal Skills (listening, empathy, persuasion)
Tomorrow’s worker needs to develop an entrepreneurial mindset:
- Think differently
- Do things differently
- Be passionate
- Questioning how to ‘do things better’
- Optimistic
- Take calculated risks
- Above all – act on their ideas
- Workplaces will be more FLEXIBLE
- Workplaces will be more DIGITAL
Future workers will spend less time on routine tasks and more time with people and getting value from technology.
Students and workers of TODAY face employment challenges like never before.
The days of ‘a job for life’ are over. STUDENTS need skills and flexibility to navigate the future of the world of work.
- Creativity
- Problem solving
- Emotional Intelligence (EI)
- Critical Thinking
- Team Work
- Communication
These are skills employers value as much as technical skills (know HOW to do the job)
These skills are called ‘transferable skills’ – that means, they apply to any job, any industry.
Your Pathways staff:
Derry Caulfield – Career Practitioner
Jackie Douglas – SWL, Work Experience, VET Coordinator
Megan Rogers – VASS/MIPs coordinator, SWL and VET.