Classroom News

Natural Disasters Rm 10 & 11
Last term in science room 10 and 11 made news reports on past natural disasters. We had to learn how the natural disaster formed and the damage it caused on the environment. We were put into groups of four where we had to all work together and research a topic on the natural disaster we had chosen. The natural disasters we chose were Cyclone Debbie, the Volcano eruption in Pompeii, Hurricane Katrina and heaps more. To film the news reports we used Green Screen filming and to edit we used IMovie. We learnt lots about the natural disasters we chose and lots about the other disasters that others in our classes chose. Our classes had heaps of fun making the news reports and it brought out the actors in some of the students.
Wired for sound in Room 13
In term 3 Room 13 had absolute blast learning about light and sound using STEM. Mr S Bowden helped us use a range of technology including Makey Makeys and Scratch to design and make instruments, make and record sounds and find other ways of sensing sound in daily life. Mr Bowden even helped us make a movie using our instruments. There was also a very interesting visit from “Science on the Go Show” presenting the amazing “Bright, Noisy, Hot, Wiggly”.
Busy Bees in Room 22
During Term 3, we had many highlights in Room 22. We develop our research and note taking skills and wrote a lifecycle on our chosen animal. We researched and justified how our living thing met the 7 characteristics of living things. We designed dioramas that highlighted the habitat and environmental needs of an animal. In Maths, we learnt about money values, including the correct change given and looked at the probability in everyday events. We created menus for our own restaurant and budgets for the Royal Adelaide Show. We listened to the receptions read and played games with their sight words. Here are some photos to highlight our hard work and dedication.
Rooms 13 and 14 get into shape!
- We explored 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes.
- We investigated them in our classroom and school environment.
- We learnt their names and their properties.
- We made them out of plasticine, sorted them, named them, wrote books about them, built with them and used nets to reconstruct them.
- In Discovery Time with Mrs Daina we made a 3D map of our school environment. We explored managed and constructed environments. We had to think carefully about what things looked like and where they were located on the school grounds. We made our buildings out of different resources. It was very challenging.
- We interviewed Mr Bowden to find out about the history of the school and how we can care for our environment. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us about Largs Bay School.
Here are some interesting facts about Largs Bay School:
- The two schools used to be in different places.
- There was an old school band.
- The uniforms were different.
- The trees were planted around the boundary of the school as a sign of remembrance.
- The old school had no air conditioning.
There used to be chimneys on the roof as there were fireplaces in the classrooms
Room 32 & 33 Participate in Adelaide Festival of Children's Books
On Monday 23rd October, rooms 32 and 33 were lucky enough to be invited to Flinders University to participate in a Festival of Children’s Books. We were given the opportunity to listen to authors and
illustrators talk and also take part in some interactive sessions.
Over 600 students from primary schools in the Adelaide region were involved.
Author Kelly Hibbert, read us her story Fancy Pants and explained where she gets some of her ideas.
Illustrator Mandy Foot ( Captain Kangaroo series, ) read us a story and then shared part of the process she works through to create her world of picture books.
Author Tania Ingram,( Dog on a Log, Jinny and Cooper series) explained how she uses her own life experiences to write funny and interesting stories. She gave us some tips for our own story writing.
Mike Lucas writes funny nonsense poems. He read us some of his work and then worked with us to create our own funny poem about monsters.
Finally, Sally Rippen, award winning author of the Billie B. Brown and Hey Jack series spoke to us about her love of writing and where she gets her ideas.
We were able to ask questions and get lots of helpful hints about writing and illustrating our own stories.
It was a very inspiring day for anyone interested in reading and books.
Room 20
Room 20 are investigating how different materials can be changed. We have been exploring the different properties of spaghetti. We drew a picture and used cooked spaghetti to then create them. We then worked in collaborative groups to make a tower with uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows. We discussed how the spaghetti changed when it was cooked.
Room 26
On Monday 23rd of October, 16 year 6/7 students went down to Semaphore Carousel to celebrate Veterans Week. The Largs Bay RSL volunteers and members came down to set up this event. The seniors had a workout session and had a great time, kicking and passing weighted balls.
As the Carousel gates opened there was a rush to get your favorite horse. Room 26 supported the students from Largs North kindergarten to ride the Carousel safely. After the kindy students left, we then enjoyed a ride on the Carousel.
We also saw a Blue tongue lizard as shown in the picture below.
Amelie, Charley and Milla
Room 3
During Maths this term we have been looking at the Natural Maths topic of exploring number situations. We have played many different adding and subtracting games, such as hopscotch, bowling and dominos. It has been great to see the students using some of the Natural Maths strategies that we have learnt throughout the year. Some of these strategies have been counting on, subitizing, doubles and rainbow facts. Many of the students have been showing great independence and persistence with their learning and choosing their own ways of recording their information. It has been fantastic to see how supportive students have been by helping others with their learning!
Room 30 Frank’s Lab on Legs
On Thursday in Week 1, Frank from Lab on Legs came to Largs Bay Primary school to teach Room 30 and 31 about Chemistry, mostly focusing on Matter and Gases. After Frank told us all the rules and information he let us do some experiments on gases. In one experiment we pumped air into coke bottles and measured how much the air weighed. In another experiment we poured hot water into a coke bottle and shook it up so that the air filled up the room. When the bottle cooled down, the gases contracted, making the bottle squish together and crunch up. We had a great time and learnt a lot about Gases.
Written by Abby , Nicholas , and Jacob.