Achievement Awards

Week 2 Awards
Rm 3 Willow For being persistent in all areas of her learning.
Rm 3 Danyle For being persistent towards his literacy and always trying his best.
Rm 4 Eve For being a responsible and helpful member of the classroom
Rm 4 Jasper For being respectful and kind to others
Rm 5 Angus For being persistent in all areas of learning and settling into his new school.
Rm 5 Korben For being persistent with his reading and writing.
Rm 5a Isabella For demonstrating persistence in completing challenges in Literacy.
Rm 5a Ziggy For displaying a persistent attitude in his work.
Rm 10 Lachlan For starting the term off with a persistent attitude towards his learning
Rm 10 Amaya For being a kind and respectful member of room 10
Rm 11 Malakye for showing persistence when writing poetry
Rm 11 Jundamara For taking responsibility of his work in mathematics
Rm 13 Monique For showing more responsibility with her school work and learning
Rm 13 Casey For always showing respect to peers
Rm 14 Milani for being a persistent and hard worker.
Rm 14 Harley for showing persistence with his school work and learning
Rm 16 Matilda For always being a persistent and hard working student.
Rm 16 Zach For being a kind and respectful member of the classroom.
Rm 17 Jake For his persistence in maths and spelling
Rm 17 Gracie For being a respectful class member
Rm 19 Grace For always showing persistence through literacy.
Rm 19 Aiden For being a kind and respectful class member.
Rm 20 Denkia for being persistent in literacy particularly reading and always trying her best.
Rm 20 Liam for being persistent and showing progress in numeracy.
Rm 22 Noah for demonstrating responsibility in completing challenges in Literacy and Mathematics tasks.
Rm 22 Leila for demonstrating responsibility in completing challenges in Literacy and Mathematics tasks.
Rm 23 Andres For demonstrating persistence when working on literacy tasks
Rm 23 Jordan For demonstrating respect towards all his teachers and peers
Rm 26 Max For continuing to make responsible choices with his learning.
Rm 26 Trinity for being a kind and respectful class member.
Rm 27 Tyler For demonstrating persistence and growth in his learning
Rm 27 Erin For constantly showing respect to all peers and teachers
Rm 29 Hayley For demonstrating persistence in in Maths and Literacy challenges.
Rm 29 Lewis For improving his skills in Maths and Literacy through persistent effort.
Rm 30 Kurtis For showing more responsibility with his school work and learning
Rm 30 Klaudia For displaying a persistent attitude in her work
Rm 31 Aisha Displaying responsibility in class
Rm 31 Ronin Displaying respect in class
Rm 32 Xander for persistence in Maths activities and challenges.
Rm 32 Devyne foe demonstrating persistence in Literacy particularly Spelling and written tasks.
Rm 33 Bethany For being respectful and kind to others at Flinders University
Rm 33 Jack For being a kind and respectful class member in class.
Indonesian - Rm 4 for being persistent and hard workers
Hass - Rm 31 for demonstrating great questioning skills when introduced to the topic of bushfires in Australia.
Byron P - Room 19
Principal’s Attendance Award
Jaiya T - Rm 14