News From the Principal

Dear Families,
Welcome back to the final term of the year. Being only 9 weeks, it is going to go very quickly but promises to be an exciting and busy time for all.
New Staff
We welcome to Deb Martin who has replaced Nat as Business Manager
Kiss & Drop Zone
A reminder that the area in front of the school on Fletcher Road is a drop off zone only. This is a 2 minute area and adults should not leave the vehicle. Council are policing this zone regularly. It is important that we all adhere to these rules for the benefit of all families. Thank you for your cooperation.
Class Placements 2018
Our class placement process is now underway .
We are working on the assumption that we will have 22 classes next year, based on our current enrollments. However, I need to point out that this could change as late as the first day back next year, based on new enrollment or students leaving the school. Your child/rens class placement information will be sent home during the last week of term.
Largs Bay student numbers continue to increase. We are zoned school due to the fact that we have experienced enrollment pressure over a period of time. A school zone is one enrollment management tool a school can use. As such, we may not have vacancies for all out of zone students who wish to enroll. In order to uphold a high quality, safe program for all students, we need to ensure that enrollments are maintained at a manageable level.
Reception Transition Visits
Our new Receptions for 2018 have their first transition visit on Thursday in Week 4.
They will be in Rooms 3, 4, 5 & 5a for their transition visits as well as next year.
The teachers of the four Reception classes will be finalised before the end of the year.
We have buddied these new children with our Year 4 & 5 students (Year 5 & 6 in 2018) so that they have a familiar face and friend at Largs Bay for the next few years.
The final visit will be on 30th November
Exciting times!!!!
Twilight Sports Day
Excitement is building for our first ever twilight sports day to be held on Thursday 2nd November. We ask that students arrive at school at 1pm and report to their classrooms. An OSHC service will be provided for those students that require supervision in the morning until 1pm.
A programme has been sent home with each child.
Picnic tea orders should be returned to the canteen by 10:00am on Friday 27th October. (Late orders will be taken via the canteen until Tuesday)
We expect the day to conclude at 6:45pm.
We are all looking forward to a great day and are hoping to see as many parents and family members as possible cheer the children on.
Please note that there is a School Closure following Sports Day on Friday 3rd November
Adelaide Festival of Children's Books
On Monday, year 4 students attended the Festival of Children's Book at Flinders University. Students had the opportunity to chat and participate in activities with South Australia’s top children’s authors and illustrators, a book launch by New York Times bestselling authors
Sean Williams and Garth Nix and a guest appearance by children’s favourite, Sally Rippin. The Adelaide Festival of Children’s Books will gave the students the chance to meet the creators of some of their favourite books and learn about what inspires them to make their stories
come alive.
Veterans' Health Week
On Monday our Public Relations students attended an event at the Semaphore foreshore for Veterans' Health Week. Students were invited to attend a BBQ lunch and ride the historic carousel.
Rock and Water Parent Session
Last Wednesday afternoon, Tim and Alex presented a Rock and Water session for parents. The parents and caregivers who attend found the session to be really useful and provided an insight into the programme being offered at school.