Primary News

It has been a very busy term so far in Prep L!
We celebrated our 100 days of school with making special t-shirts, fairy bread, games and a party with our friends and family. Not only was it an incredible day but now we are 100 days smarter!
We also went on our first big excursion to Casey Safety Village. Going on the bus was a lot of fun and when we got their we learned all about being safe in the community, how to cross roads, stop signs, traffic lights, railways crossings and how to be safe pedestrians and bike riders. We also had a special session learning all about fire safety in our homes.
The last week has been Science week, we have been learning all about rockets! We did a lot of research, made our own rocket and even made a video showing all the new information we had found! We can’t wait to show it at assembly!
Ms Levy - Class Teacher.
Our Preps had so much fun celebrating 100 days of school. We decorated our classroom, painted special T-shirts, made fairy bread, and had a party with our friends and family. They’re certainly a lot smarter now that they’ve been at school for 100 days.
Our excursion to Casey Safety village was so much fun. We learnt about being safe on the road as pedestrians and cyclists, and also about fire safety in our homes.
We were very lucky to have an author and an illustrator visit us. Susan Berran gave us some tips about writing books and drawing pictures.
Our National Science week was very interesting. We investigated stars, especially the sun.
Mrs Abraham - Class Teacher.
Since the beginning of term 3, 1L have been excited about the fantastic activities and learning that we will be experiencing.
In Mathematics we have been learning different ways to show multiplication such as repeated addition, groups of and times tables. As we learnt the skip counting patterns for 2,5 and 10, it has made solving the problems much easier.
In Reading we have studied new skills such as synthesising and summarising the information to help us understand what we are reading.
In Writing, students have tried writing many different types of poems. The cinquain poems were proudly published on the computer with a picture then printed out for our display.
In Geography, we have looked at our neighbourhood from Google Earth and seen the aerial view of Melbourne, Victoria and Australia.
In Science we have looked at how palaeontologists can work out information on prehistoric animals by studying modern animals’ bones and teeth.
Mrs Lilburne - Class Teacher.
It has been a busy start to Term 3.
We have been working on poetry in writing, focusing on Haiku’s, Limericks, Cinquains, rhyming poems and ‘I am’ poems. Students have enjoyed the genre, using descriptive language exceptionally and expressing ideas and feelings beautifully.
In reading, we have been summarising what we read, concentrating on finding the main idea and recording information in our own words. Reading groups have been working well to improve summarising skills.
In Science, we are investigating trees and plants, particularly finding out more about gum trees, our beautiful Australian treasures. As Science Week approaches, we are working on our class science project to find out as much as we can about astronauts and what they need to survive up in space! We are working towards presenting our findings at the next assembly.
In Maths, we are learning our times tables, playing times tables games in order to extend our knowledge of multiplication facts. We are also learning to divide and focus on location, grid references and mapping skills.
In P.E everyone has enjoyed the gymnastics sessions twice a week in formal classes and twice a week during lunchtime activities. The skills have improved incredibly, all students have loved the experience.
I told you we were busy!
Mrs McPhie - Class Teacher.
The first half of this term has certainly been very jam packed! We have been learning all about the environment and geography in Integrated Studies as well as different types of eucalyptus trees in Science.
We look forward to our excursion to the Werribee Zoo where we are going to learn about the different environments (including animals and plants) in Africa and how they are different to Australia.
Today we were lucky enough to have a hilarious talk given to us by author Susan Berran. Susan has written many funny novels which we can’t wait to read for ourselves. Some students were lucky enough to attend a writing workshop with her to help improve their writing skills!
For Science Week we have been working very hard putting together a mini-documentary about our learning about the phases of the moon. In groups students worked together to research a different phase of the moon, also investigating questions such as what is the moon made up of, how old is it and how did it form. We even made displays using oreos to create the different phases of the moon by scraping away the cream to represent different stages such as Waxing Gibbous and Waning Gibbous moon.
There is still plenty more excitement left in the term and we look forward to other special events!
Ms Naylor - Class Teacher.
The start of term 3 has brought lots of fun events and activities for grade 4/5B. Science week was a major highlight and saw students working together as a class to create a real life model of the solar system. We investigated gravity and how the Sun’s gravitational force holds our solar system together.
We were inspired by Susan Berran and her writing workshop. Students learnt how to draw cartoon characters for illustrating their writing and she also taught them how to develop their ideas to write entertaining narratives.
The Forensic Science incursion saw students becoming police investigators, solving the crime of the poisoned sailor. They studied fingerprints, used electronic microscopes and learnt about how DNA can help to identify people.
The Book Fair was fantastic and we are all looking forward to lots of fun activities next week for Book Week.
Ms Bishop - Class Teacher.
Grade 5W have made a great start to term 3. During Integrated Studies, we have been learning about Economics. We have been exploring needs and wants, the different types of resources there are and how societies use them and the influences which affect consumer choices. Our Maths focus this term has been addition skills and measuring length.
In Literacy, we have been learning about the structure and features of different poems and creating a booklet of our own poems. This week has been Science Week and we have spent time each day working on a project designing our own space suits. We were also lucky enough to have author and illustrator, Susan Berran come in and talk to us about her writing process and give us some tips for our own writing.
Ms Warburton - Class Teacher.
6Z have an incredibly busy month, especially with having science week this week and creating spectacular depiction of space.
We have just come off learning about money and our math focus is now addition and length. Students have been embracing the new challenges to further their mathematic skills and applying what they have learnt in practical scenarios.
Susan Berran, a successful children's illustrator and author who loves encouraging kids to read and write made a special appearance this week to build up students in their writing on Wednesday. Students were thoroughly engaged.
Feedback received from students were highly positive and some of them are already implementing the skills developed from the workshop in their own personal writing.
Many more exciting things for students to look forward in these upcoming months, such as camp which is less than 5 weeks away.
Mr. Surendra - Class Teacher.
This term students in 6E have been very busy. In Writing, we spent the first few weeks of the term learning about different forms of poetry and the students used their poems to develop a poetry anthology. We also had a visit from the author, Susan Berran, who told us about the processes she goes through to write and illustrate her books. She also worked with some students in a writing workshop.
In Reading our students all changed reading groups and our focus has been Summarising.
We also have been learning about using Literature Circles to help us understand books more deeply. Some of our students had the opportunity to visit a kindergarten where they read to the little children.
In Maths we started the term learning about Money and Financial Maths.
We also had a visit from a representative from the Commonwealth Bank, Luke who taught us about developing a budget. Since then we have also been learning about measuring length. We have also been developing our understanding of addition concepts.
In Science we have been learning about micro-organisms such as yeast. We have conducted some experiments that showed us how yeast responds when mixed with combinations of sugar and water, and also how yeast is affected by the temperature of the water. In honour of Science week and the 50th Anniversary of man landing on the moon, we have been researching the major events in Space Exploration. We will be presenting our research at assembly on Friday 16th August.
In Integrated Studies, we have been learning about Economics. We started learning about different types of resources: natural, human and capital; and since then have thought about wants and needs. Students have also been applying their understanding of budgeting to staying within a budget when furnishing a house.
Last week we had Gala Day. While the soccer teams were unable to go, due to the inclement weather, the other teams went and had a great day. Reports from all teachers were that the students played well and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship. In particular our Mixed Volley Stars Team had a very successful day. They came home as winners of the competition and are now heading to the regional competition.
Mrs Elias - Class Teacher.
Students in Prep L and Prep/1A have been looking at artwork containing images of flowers. How the artists have used colour. How some flowers are drawn behind others, or facing a different direction. What is in the background?
The shapes of the petals and leaves, etc. They then tried to recreate sunflowers from Vincent Van Gogh’s famous artwork.
Also, students clay work has come out of the kiln this week - students were delighted with their work!!!
Ms McAleer - Primary Art Teacher.
Tuesday Lunchtime Crafts
We have recycled old CD rom to make our lovely lady bugs and the students were all challenged with our paper weaving people who were very bright and colourful.
Mrs Hadfield - Library Coordinator