Secondary News

It has been a great start to term 3.
We would like to welcome Laura Williams to year 7 and congratulate Paniagiotis on his excellent report and his promotion to the the High Achievers class.
We would also like to congratulate the students who achieved academic awards at the recent assembly. This award is for excellent work throughout semester 1 and shows commitment to studies and dedication to learning.
The students are:
Sienna Brunning
Jessica Ryan
Panagiotis Morakis
Nilu Perera
Seneja Alles
Thu Doan
Nurija Hota
Anastasia Cabo
The year 7s took part in a health program for five weeks called "Inside and Out". This was organised by Caitlin and Stuart and the students appreciated their hard work. The students learnt about self esteem, building confidence and understanding and respect for others.
Adnan said it was a worthwhile program and he learnt a lot from it. He also enjoyed working in groups and getting to know some other year 7s a bit more.
I encourage all parents to make sure they have looked at reports and discuss these with their students. If you are having trouble downloading these, please ask for Mr Antony for help.
Can I also ask all parents to ensure their students are in uniform and organised for classes. They need to have all equipment for all classes at all times.
Mr Antony - Year 7 Coordinator
It has been a great start to term 3. The year 8 students have been out on basketball, futsal and a snow day at Lake Mountain.
They had good results in the basketball finishing 3rd and both the boys and girls futsal teams finishing 6th and 7th. The snow trip to Lake Mountain was a huge success. We left at 8:45 and by 11:00 we were at the snow. The students were extremely lucky with the weather, having over a metre of snow to play with. The sun was shining which also made for great conditions for a snowball fight and lots of rides on the toboggans.
There were some very sleepy students on the way back with a few having a nap on the way home. I would like to thank the teachers that came with us and all the year 8 students that attended and made it a great day.
I would like to remind the student that they have another excursion coming up to the Melbourne museum for science which will also be a great day.
Mr Hammond - Year Level Coordinator
Welcome back to what is shaping up to be an exciting and interesting term 3!
It has been a wonderful start to the second semester for our Year 9 students. I had the pleasure of reading all the Year 9 reports and I’m proud of every single one of our students. Each student was able to reach their own personal best, whether it was academically, putting in a great effort or being organised.
The following students achieved academic excellence and were recognised at our High Achievers Assembly.
RoMon Lay, Aliah Zimah, Jiaking Tu, Mackenzie Ho, Rory Johnston, Cassie lazarakis, Niky Liakos, Josh Newton and Norah Hoang.
As we have now entered Semester 2, the student have had a semester to transition into Year 9. We continue to encourage the children to be self motivated, organised and responsible with their time management at school and at home. The school diary is the key to your child’s organisation. This is where all homework, due dates and important reminders and events are to be recorded. With 2020 fast approaching these are great skills to refine this year, in preparation for V3.
Please continue to check Compass, to ensure you are up to date and fully informed of what is happening in your child’s school life. There are many activities and excursions planned for the Year 9 students in Term 3. I’m always pleased to hear from you so please do keep in touch.
Mrs Rentzis - Year 9 Coordinator
With Term 3 well and truly underway, Yr. 10 are in the thick of Unit 2 of their subjects. It’s great to see the dedication that students bring to the classroom.
Course Counselling
Recently, students and parents attended the Course Counselling information evening. There was a lot of information about V3 subjects on offer, as well as an expo in the hall, where parents and students could ask questions about their preferred subjects. It was great to meet so many parents and to see how seriously involved they were in their children’s educational journey.
Following on from the expo, course counselling appointments were held in the V3 centre. There were some interesting discussions as students tried to narrow down the list of subjects that interest them into their final preferences. I really enjoyed being a part of that discussion. And again, it was great to meet so many parents that are so focussed on supporting their children’s goals and dreams.
Year 10 has done really well in adopting the new school uniform and they are looking very sharp in the new blazer. Just a reminder that old and new uniforms cannot be mixed. Keep up the great work. You look amazing!
Formal preparation:
The year 11 leaders took the initiative to make a change to what is the social highlight for our year level. We were supported by our year level and Mr. Mulcahy in changing our annual presentation ball into a formal to make it more accessible to all students.
The leaders are proud to say that more than half of our year level will be at the formal to celebrate our achievements. Over the past few weeks the year 11 students have been gearing up for formal. We have started learning the dances we will do. We are all very eager for the formal and are enthusiastically finalising our clothes, hair etc.
Course counselling:
To start off the month of August, year 11 students had course counselling interviews with the senior years’ staff. We had meetings with our careers staff and researched pathways for our future. Some students are looking at university options while others are looking at TAFE education and some are wanting to travel or work after they finish year 12.
Students have researched the prerequisites that will be needed for us to get into our desired courses. The majority of students have completed 12 units of VCE and are keen to finish off 16 before this year is out.
Oral presentations:
Students enrolled in unit 3/4 English have completed their oral presentations. We were nervous but now, it’s just a memory of the past. Year 11s are gearing up for their unit 3 and 4 exams as for most of us it will be our first year 12 exam we have ever sat through and if the GAT is anything to go by, we are stressed.
With just over 2 months to go, year 11s are trying to prepare our best to revise all the information we have learnt this past year so that we are ready for our final exams.
Angela Fourie - Year 11 Student Leader
Recently the year 12s had received a new table tennis set up after a generous donation from the Alevi community. As a result, our year 12s can’t keep away from playing (often instead of studying!). The table has given the year 12s an amazing opportunity to get together as a cohort and share plenty of laughs and memories.
With ten weeks to go, this table is certainly occupying our time and keeping our minds off the nerve-wracking inevitable end. With exams around the corner tensions are high, but we’re still finding time here and there to laugh at George having his life handed to him during a game of ‘around the world’ - table tennis style.
While most of our 12s stayed at school to study or to play, a group of our 12s made their way to Parliament for an exciting Legal Studies excursion. They spent the day learning about how laws are made, participated in role play scenarios, and enjoyed an overall tour of the facility.
Alema Isic - Year 12 Student
SEE Excursion
On Saturday the 3rd of August 7C went to the Science Talent Search, which is a state-wide Science competition where you compete against other schools. There was a topic you could do a creative writing piece for, or make a poster about. Most of us worked in pairs to build our team building skills. All topics were based around the moon and I chose lunar farming. It was a lot of fun! My partner and I spent 2 or 3 weeks making our poster. Then the big day came, we had to present our posters to 2 judges and they gave us feedback, now we are just waiting for our scores to see how we ranked against other students.
On behalf of 7C, we would like to thank Ms Wright for everything she has done for us this year and the years to come, thank you.
Cristian Macciocca - Year 7 Student
Year 9 Science
The Year 9 students have been studying body systems this term, and have been relating structure and function. Here you can see some 9C students Skye, Tim and John, investigating the difference between arteries and veins that are still attached to a real sheep’s heart! Students also got the opportunity to examine the structure of the sheep lungs and liver. It was a great opportunity to feel how firm the liver and heart are, and how soft the lungs are, and understand that we have the same organs inside us. Students cut off a little piece of the lungs and placed it in a beaker of water to see if it floats… it did!
Year 11 Biology
Did you know that all cells come from pre-existing cells? Students have been exploring mitosis and the cell cycle in Unit 2 Biology, using the new microscopes donated by Monash University. It’s exciting to zoom in on a moment in time where new cells are being made by existing cells! Here you can see Grace and Alessia examining the stages of mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) in onion root tips. Can you see all of the different cells? After taking note of all the characteristics of the onion root tip cells, students had to compare them with binary fission, which is the process bacteria use to reproduce.
Science in Schools week
The annual Science in Schools week this year was celebrated between August 12 -18. The theme was the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Neil Armstrong’s historic “that’s one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind” was taught to yet another generation and remembered by the previous ones.
The Science faculty hosted two days of science activities to join in the fun of the science in schools week. Our staff and students embraced these hands on opportunities. All the disciplines of science - Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology, Psychology and Geology were represented in different activities.
The science laboratories were buzzing with young scientists eager to find more about the mysteries of the universe.
I would like to extend my appreciation to all the staff and student helpers who supported these activities and thank all the students who have participated.
Mrs Christopher - Science Coordinator.
Multicultural Day is just around the corner! SRC have been working hard to create an event to remember, which we hope will be enjoyed by all.
Tuesday 27th August period 1 will be our assembly, and we would like to invite families to share in the festivities.
Following the assembly, teachers and students from prep to Year 12 will be moving on to a range of activities period 2.
Sign-up sheets for the activities will be available from an SRC member in the canteen as of Monday. Spaces in each activity are limited. Please get your name in quickly!
Our canteen will also be selling a modified multicultural menu, which will be available online for lunch orders. We encourage as many families and individuals to complete online lunch orders to ensure no one misses out on the amazing food. Items will also be on sale as per normal, however we expect them to sell out!
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone wearing their traditional attire and sharing stories of their proud heritage!
Ms Wright - SRC Coordinator
VCAL students launched their cafe this week.
Operating Tuesdays during Lunchtime at the cafe window in A Block, VCAL students can now use their barista qualifications and serve delicious fresh coffees!
2019 Volleyball Victoria Three Day Schools Cup
Our Senior Girls Volleyball team recently competed at the Volleyball Victoria Three Day Schools Cup. The event was held from Friday 26th July – Sunday 28th July, at the State Volleyball Centre in Dandenong.
Carwatha College P-12 won the first three matches, remaining undefeated and finishing at the top of their pool. During the finals series the girls were bested by Yarra Valley Grammar who went on claim the Division 1 Championship title. Carwatha finished fourth overall within their Division. I would like to congratulate these students for an outstanding display of skill, determination and teamwork.
I would like to also thank Stuart Johnstone and Mitchell Hammond for coaching the team.
Intermediate Interschool Sport: Girls Basketball
On Monday 29th July, the Intermediate Girls Basketball team represented our College at the Greater Dandenong Division Playoffs. The girls won five matches throughout the day, showcasing excellent teamwork and playing with intensity.
Lyndale Secondary College defeated Carwatha College P-12 by a single point, with Carwatha finishing as Division runners up. I look forward to training with the girls in preparation for next year's Senior Division Playoffs.
Year 8 Interschool Sport: Girls Basketball
After a heartbreaking loss in the first game, the Year 8 girls Basketball team rallied to win the next two games by comfortable margins. Unfortunately the team went down to very good teams after the in close, hard fought games. Well done girls! – Damien Luci
Year 8 Interschool Sport: Girls Futsal
On the 14th of August, the Year 8 girls went on to complete in the Greater Dandenong Division Futsal Tournament. The team played five games in which they played to the best of their ability. The girls shot some amazing goals and had some great plays. Good job girls on your efforts! – Courtney Witt
Ms Thomas - Sports Coordinator
Work Inspirations
A group of year 10’s attended a Work Inspirations 2 day program. The program was run out of Dandenong’s Civic Centre. It was an initiative of the Greater City of Dandenong run by Youth and Community Development.
It was a pre-work experience type of program and was designed to better prepare young people to go into work experience. It was a highly-interactive program with Mentors, Workplace visits, Work readiness workshops, Communication and personal development activities and Motivational speakers.
Ms Borchers - VET/Careers and Pathways Coordinator
Students have been analysing and responding to abstract artist Wassily Kandinsky. They learnt how colour, shapes and lines can be used to represent subjects, objects or emotions from reality.
They explored how artwork can contain lines that creates movement of their eyes across or around the piece.
The students worked in small groups to create an abstract (beginning with a subject from reality) or abstract non-objective (no reference to reality) piece using oil pastels.
Mrs McAleer - Art Teacher
Design and Technology classes are busy teaching students invaluable skills in metal and wood designs. Students are creating some spectacular work across all year levels.
Mr Skeggs - Design and Technology Teacher