Principal's Report

From Acting Principal - Chad Ambrose
Carwatha College P-12 has already made a lasting impression on me. It began with Prep L students who came out and assisted in tidying up the yard without even having to be asked. I then walked back into the classroom and observed the excellent work they were doing around identifying shapes as part of their Numeracy lesson. Next came positive interactions with a group of our Year 12 students who spoke to me about how they use their study blocks and about what helps them learn effectively. This group talked about their aspirations beyond Year 12 and about the support they were receiving from their teachers.
I was impressed at the pride and confidence displayed by our student leaders at the Indigenous assembly, all of whom spoke with clarity and with purpose. I have visited many classrooms from Mr V’s STEM classroom where the primary students were learning about rockets and robotics, to Year 7-9 classes across all subject areas and VCAL / VCE classes, some of which have only weeks to go before final exams.
We also received the results of the state wide Attitude to School Survey. All students from Grade 4 to Year 12 had an opportunity to complete this survey and it gives us feedback on how we are performing in areas such as: learning and teaching, providing a safe environment and student happiness and learning.
The results are cause for great celebration with Carwatha College P-12 improving on the 2018 results in every single area. This tells us that our students are happy and healthy and that our teaching staff are committed and caring who support students to achieve their very best.
When I think about the experiences I have had at Carwatha and the results of the Attitude to School Survey, it is clear to me that Carwatha College P-12 students have access to high quality teachers and a school community that is supportive, committed and aspirational.
The second half of the term promises to be very busy and exciting. Teachers are working extremely hard to improve the quality of the programs we offer and students are continuing to exemplify the college values of: Excellence, Teamwork, Respect and Commitment. Students do this through all the little things they do: wearing the correct uniform, coming to class prepared and on time and trying their best in each and every class.
I look forward to visiting many more classes and supporting staff and students to continue to make Carwatha College P-12 an outstanding learning environment.
Chad Ambrose