Senior School

Rotary Speech Night Writing

By Ruby

This week the Senior School have been working on their ideas for their speeches for possible entry into the Rotary Speech contest. There is a list of 15 topics to choose from, such as: why do we have day and night? Or what do cows think about? Feel free to ask your child what their topic is!

Our speeches have to be no shorter than two and a half minutes, and no longer than three and a half minutes. Everyone is writing a speech, and on Monday we will be presenting them to the class. Then Miss Donnelly and Mrs Meilak decide which speeches to submit to the Rotary Speech Contest to represent Kilsyth Primary School. 


By Hannah

On the 15th of August, we were asked to get a whiteboard marker and choose a partner to work with. Then we got to draw on the tables that we were working at, completing multiplication problems using different methods. Lattice method was popular,  but we also learnt different ways to figure out an equation.

On the 14th of August we went outside to do our maths with chalk. We got to choose out preferred multi-digit multiplication method to solve 2 and 3 digit equations while working with a partner. 

I liked the Lattice method best because as long as you have remembered your times tables it is easy once you know the technique! 

Check out the KPS instagram and facebook pages to see our learning. 

Production Sneak Peek

By Madi

Last Friday the Year 5s and 6s performed for the rest of the school at assembly, to show off our great dance moves. The year 5s danced to Cruisin' for a Bruisin', and the year 6s danced to Bad by Michael Jackson.

Don't forget to order your tickets for our production Maria's Mask to watch our students perform their hearts out! Each Friday, people with speaking roles rehearse their lines and on Tuesdays each dance group rehearses. 

Make sure you check out the KPS instagram and facebook pages for photos from last Fridays sneak peek performance! 

Book Week

By Tierone and Darcy

On Wednesday 21st August is was our Book Week Dress Up day! We each had to dress up as a book character of our choice. Some people went as far as bringing their own dog as part of their costume for the parade! Some characters were from Harry Potter, Spider Man, Iron Man and more. We had so much fun on the day as we went from classroom to classroom throughout the day for different activities. Some of the activities were making monsters based on the book Do Not Open This Book by Andy Lee, and making superheroes based on the book Superworm! The funniest part of the day was having the teachers dress up. 

At the start of the day we had a book week parade where we got to see everyone's costumes. There were a lot of parents there which was great!