School Wide 


Positive Behaviour Support

Celebrating our progress...

This week our SWPBS team attended a forum at the North East Victoria Regional Office of the Department of Education.  This was a great opportunity to hone our understanding of best practice in School Wide Positive Behaviour Support in schools, hear from other schools working in this space and share and celebrate some of the success we have had here at Kilsyth PS.


As we have celebrated many times as a community over the past couple of years, SWPBS has had a dramatic positive effect on our school community.  When we sat down to plan our presentation it was just wonderful to be able to look back over the evidence of change that we have gathered over this time.  We have come a long way and, I am sure you will agree, we now have such a calm and positive climate in our school we are providing students with the best possible opportunity to learn and grow.


The biggest piece of evidence we have for the changes that we have seen, which formed a key part of our presentation at the forum, came from the students.  The video below was put together from conversations with students.  It was totally unscripted and unrehearsed.  Some questions were asked and the students responded... here is what they said:


Welcome to Sally and Sarah

We are very pleased to welcome parents Sally Hanley and Sarah LLoyd to our SWPBS team.


Sally and Sarah will provide a valuable insight to our team as we continue to explore ways to spread our SWPBS approach further into our school community.  We are very grateful to both Sally and Sarah for their commitment and time. 


Please have a chat with Sally or Sarah if you would like to hear more about SWPBS from a parent perspective or have some ideas you would like to share with the team.