From the Dorms


It has been excellent to have our Kildare Year 7 boarders back for the last few weeks and return to a little bit of normalcy. (Although our Mater Dei year 7’s have enjoyed having the dorm to themselves for a short while)


Having to wear masks in boarding is still the issue on everyone’s minds but thankfully we are able to get some reprieve once we step outside.


Photo: Tara, Sarah, and Chelsea getting some sun without their masks (Not compulsory outside anymore, YAY!)

Sarah, Tara and Chelsea
Enjoying the sun in the Mount Erin garden.
Sarah, Tara and Chelsea
Enjoying the sun in the Mount Erin garden.

Photo: Tara, Sarah, and Chelsea with the flowers they picked from the front garden.

Laura and Jacinta have been doing very well in science, topping their most recent tests and everyone else has been glad to see the exam and assignment period be (mostly) over.



Lara Plum I  Junior Girls Supervisor


Congratulations to our new Boarding House Captains:


Annabelle Cassidy and Sophie O'Callaghan


Vice - Captains:

Sophie Barclay, Kaitlynn Daly, and Zoe McDonnell



Fun, food, and friendship

The Senior girls have enjoyed the supper times using the kitchen style set up in the Senior girls' common room. The best thing isn’t the ability to keep delicious snacks in the fridge or make a tea/hot chocolate but sitting around the table and talking. Of course, the delicious food does help and there have been shared snacks of strawberries, the biggest ones ever seen, as well as the much-loved choc chip cookies.


There have also been nights when supper has rolled into lots of fun and laughter playing board and card games.


Great looking cake!
Great looking cake!



Elly Dumbrelland Sierra Harris created a vegan cake recipe at school that was so good a local cafe would like to use the recipe. Now that is a cake worth eating.





Isabelle concentarting on her basket weaving.
Lou following instructions from
Isabelle concentarting on her basket weaving.
Lou following instructions from

Several of the senior girls shared the Naidoc Week weaving activity with junior girls. They were totally focused on their weaving after instructions from Auntie Pat and Lisa

Maya and Tameika shooting baskets
Maya and Tameika shooting baskets

Handstand chicks 

Sophie O and Piper
Sophie O and Piper

 Like we did when first came into Boarding.



Robin Bussenschutt I Senior Girls Supervisor


It has been a busy Term 4 and I still can’t believe we are nearing the end of the year. 


A lot has happened in Junior Boys during the past three weeks, including pizza nights and NAIDOC week where Luke Whiton taught all the boys how to play the didgeridoo and all traditional culture about Wiradjuri people. 

Teddy, Hugh and Eli working hard on the jigsaw puzzle.
Teddy, Hugh and Eli working hard on the jigsaw puzzle.

We have introduced a number of new games the boys can play including darts (modified/ safety type), Hookey, ring toss, and  board games e.g.  “Who's it?"  and "Dominos.” The junior boys have their own new special hangout space filled with games, books, puzzles, and bean bags to sit on.  The Year 7 boys in particular, like this area.


Eli and Hugh with the new bookshelves containing games and books.
Jeremy at work
Eli and Hugh with the new bookshelves containing games and books.
Jeremy at work

With the weather heating up (we think?), the boys are excited to get out and go for a swim in the pool. There is also our regular little (big) guest roaming around the boarding school. Zepp the '"boardo dog" continues to bring a smile to the boys' faces. They love playing with him and he has become part of our little boarding school community.

Harry, Jack, Isaac and Alby - we think.
Serious Cricket Match - Archie, Tom, and Jeremy
Will Day and Zepp hanging out
Harvey Hines set for leave
Alby temperature testing Harry whilst Eli kills bacteria using Tersano spray.
Harry, Jack, Isaac and Alby - we think.
Serious Cricket Match - Archie, Tom, and Jeremy
Will Day and Zepp hanging out
Harvey Hines set for leave
Alby temperature testing Harry whilst Eli kills bacteria using Tersano spray.



Naomi Barton I Junior Boys' Supervisor 


Just like previous terms, Term 4 has certainly flown by. I have been extremely impressed with the Senior boys' ability to adapt to all the different scenarios covid has thrown at us.


It has been terrific to have Mason, Aidan, Luke, Billy, and Paddy back in the Boarding House this week completing the HSC. Along with Jaxson, Jacob G, Owen, Isaac, Jack, and Jacob S we wish them all the best in the exams and life after school.


I would like to congratulate Will English ( Mater Dei ) and Jake Schulz (Kildare) on becoming the new MEBS boys boarding house captains. These 2 young men are great choices to represent the boarding house and will be great role models for the rest of the students to follow.

Ethan Watt returning from some free time riding his mountain bike having been caught in the recent heavy rains. Time for a hot shower and change of clothes
Ethan Watt returning from some free time riding his mountain bike having been caught in the recent heavy rains. Time for a hot shower and change of clothes



Wayne Galvin I Senior Boys Supervisor