From the Leader

of Boarding 

Dear Boarding Community,

It is hard to believe we are heading into the last 4 weeks of Term 4 2021.   The Year12 HSC students are underway with their exams. It is unusual times of course due to Covid-19. The 2021Seniors are returning to Boarding for the exams much later than normal at a time when the new Seniors of 2022 are just beginning their Year 12 journey.  It is important for the Year 11's to observe all that is happening around the Year 12's and exams as it provides a small window of term 4 2022, hopefully without Covid-19.

We take this opportunity to wish both groups all the best as one comes to the end of its secondary school/ boarding journey and the other begins. 



A big congratulations to our 2022 Year 12 Boarding Student Leadership team. 


The Mount Erin Boarding House Captains for 2021-22 are:

Sophie O'Callaghan KCC
Sophie O'Callaghan KCC
Jake Schulz KCC
Jake Schulz KCC
Annabelle Cassidy MDCC
Annabelle Cassidy MDCC
Will English MDCC
Will English MDCC










The Mount Erin  Boarding Vice- Captains are:

Kaitlynn Daly MDCC
Kaitlynn Daly MDCC
Zoe McDonnell MDCC
Zoe McDonnell MDCC
Maya Stiles KCC
Maya Stiles KCC
Sophie Barclay MDCC
Sophie Barclay MDCC









The Year 12 2021/ 22 Leadership Team will meet in Week 7 for the first time in preparation for the first Boarding Representative Meeting for 2021/22 to be held in Week 8.



When reviewing policies and procedures in schools and in particular boarding schools often when looking at particular policies and/or procedures, there is often a comment made with regards to how long they have been in place - "it has always been done that way".  When investigating the relevance of guidelines to current Boarding expectations can be helpful to know why they are in place and are they still required. 


Over the past 20 years, much work has been done by the Australian Boarding Schools Association to develop a boarding industry framework which, when coupled with a networking process, professional development and state boarding associations provides us with consistency in expectations and operational processes to ensure the best possible care for students and the best training for the Boarding staff who are looking after boarding students. Guidelines and common approaches towards the use of technology including mobile phones, sleep requirements, well-being, student drivers, leave and many more aspects of boarding life that Boarding staff has to manage are often found to be almost the same in every boarding house in Australia and around the world. REACH is an example where there need for a student management system for boarding by Australian boarding staff - this Australian boarding software is now used around the world as the number 1 boarding management program. In the long history of boarding, this tool is relatively new and continually being refined.  


In looking back at the Parent/ Student Handbook (dated 2018/19) which preceded the current handbook it is possible to see that some policies and procedures have not always been in place.

Bed time (Lights Out)

"Lights Out" in 2018/19 for Years 7, 8, 9, and 10 was 9.00 pm and for Years 11 and 12, it was 10.00 pm. The current expectation is:

      9.00 pm for Years 7 and 8   
      9.30 pm for Years 9   
      10.00 pm for Year 10   
      10.30 pm for Years 11 and 12    


In January 2018, Mount Erin Boarding students were not permitted to drive a car to and from home and school. However, in February 2018 this rule was changed to allow Year 12's only to drive a car to Boarding on Sunday night/ Monday morning and home on Friday.  An application form with guidelines was put in place requiring signatures from parents, students, and approval from the Leader of Boarding.

New for 2021-22,  Year 11 (HSC 12) students will be able to drive a car to Boarding and return to home from the beginning of Term 4. 


Downtown Leave 

Town leave expectations in 2018/19:

Year 12 boarders -  were permitted two afternoons downtown a week on days of their choice. 


Year 11 Boarders  - were permitted one afternoon downtown on a day of their choice.   


Years 7-10 boarders - were permitted to go downtown on Tuesday afternoon. 


From 2020, Years 7-9 still go downtown but it is a part of the compulsory activity time and the day can vary. Currently, Year 7-9 boarders take "street leave" one day a week, usually Tuesday, as a compulsory activity, together and with supervision. Year 10, 11, and 12 can take town leave on any day upon request to the Supervisor. Year 10 students need to be in groups of two or more.


Mount Erin Boarding Year 12 Student Leader Initiatives

It is pleasing to see the newly appointed House Captains and Vice Captains come together as a team. They have already have had their proposal for Year 11 students to drive a car from Term 4 in the school year accepted and supported. The group has also invited the Saint Francis de Sales student leaders and Leader of Boarding to an inaugural Dinner/ Discussion evening on Tuesday 30 November. This event will be showcased in detail in the final edition of Boarders' Buzz for 2021.

Change for the better

The Junior Boys Dorm is changing with the creation of spill-out spaces, the new enclosure beginning to take shape, and over the holidays, the creation of an internal entrance to the common room. More games have been added including the foosball tables and ten-pin bowling. 

  The end wall in the middle image beyond the boys is where the new entrance to the common room will be created. 

Returning 2022?

May we ask parents to let us know as soon as possible if you are intending not to return in 2022. Please email c/-





John Bussenschutt I Leader of Boarding