Inquiry- Day & Night

The F/1 students have continued to explore their inquiry topic, ‘Day and Night’. It has been fantastic observing the wonderings and questions that have arisen.


Steve, the astronomer conducted a workshop online that further explained the work of an astronomer and encouraged students to ask questions. 

Some questions that have arisen include whether we could live on other planets, how the stars shine and what constellations we can see in the night sky.


As the F/1 students have started to investigate how to construct an information report, they have been able to use their new knowledge to inform younger audiences about ‘day and night’. 

Students have been working on creating detailed sentences with the use of adjectives and varying their sentences to keep their readers engaged. Here are just a few examples:

Merci to all the students and families for the ongoing support during lockdown and online learning.

C`est formidable!

-Lucy, Foundation/1