Our STEAM program prepares students for life regardless of the profession they choose to pursue. Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics teach students how to think critically and how to solve problems — skills that can be used throughout life to help them get through tough times and take advantage of opportunities whenever they appear.  


The range of opportunities provided in 2021 built on students’ curiosity and connected STEAM learning to solve real world problems, including collaborative and individual learning experiences that were hands-on, inquiry-based and support the achievement of deep knowledge.

STEAM Electives

STEAM electives in year 7 & 8 were introduced this year. These electives aim to challenge and equip students with science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEM) skills to solve authentic problems for the complex world around them.


Year 7 highlights included:

  • Exploring engineering challenges involving flight and bridge structures. 
  • Investigating the use of QR codes and creating video media that can be attached to personalised QR codes. 
  • Using Sphero robots to positively enhance students’ learning by engaging and empowering students with hands-on learning in coding. 
  • Creating 3D printed objects by completing a design process

Year 8 highlights included:

  • Discovering and defining Sphero’s block coding programs and gaining an understanding of how to use loops and operators, pseudocode, variables, conditionals, random within bounds and different data types.
  • Uncovering the world of electricity and 3D printing through designing and constructing a functional head torch circuit and printing a filament or resin model for that circuit.
  • Inventing an animal enrichment design prototype for a zoo enclosure that encourages and stimulates mental and physical activity of their chosen animal as apart of understanding animal husbandry. Students had to identify & define, research & plan, produce & implement and finally test & evaluate their enrichment designs they constructed.



EWB Victoria's High School Innovation Challenge is an exciting initiative which brings metropolitan and regional high school students together. Encouraging students to explore the social, economical and environmental implications behind technological innovations and large-scale projects in the world. 

Marty Cook participated in mini engineering challenges over three days delivered remotely. The major challenge was to solve a real problem for an isolated Cambodian village.


AI for Good 

The AI for Good Challenge is a national program that is designed to help Australian high school students learn about AI, understand the ethics behind the technology and innovate AI concepts that could make a difference for the Earth, Accessibility or Humanitarian Action. All like-minds and STEAM students participated in this challenge as a multidiscipline inquiry project. 


Toyota Dream Car

Students let their imagination run wild and submitted a hand-created artwork of their dream car. This was a chance for students to get really creative and explore the different design elements of a car including: movement, fuel, materials, positive impact, look and feel. Participants included our STEAM elective and likeminds students. There were some very creative entries into this national competition.