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 Hard Working

With our return to school imminent I think its important to acknowledge the tremendous effort undertaken by all students in maintaining a positive attitude and growth mindset to the remote learning program. For a second year running, all students have faced the arduous task of learning from home and have done an exemplary job at doing their best in the face of a difficult situation. I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank the families for their ongoing support of the remote learning program. I'm sure there were times where you needed to step in and 'have that chat' with your child about the importance of learning from home, even when they felt tired and unmotivated. Now it's time to reset the alarms, iron the uniforms, pack the lunchboxes and load up the car, as we're ready to return. 



The children can be commended for their committment to the literacy program throughout remote learning. They have continued to turn up every week to their Literature Circle meetings and contribute to the group in a meaningful and respectful way. It has been great to see their continued development in literal and inferential comprehension. We're certainly looking forward to continuing reading our texts on our return to school. 

Group 3 discussing their book The Silver Arrow during their Literature Circle on Tuesday.
Group 3 discussing their book The Silver Arrow during their Literature Circle on Tuesday.


This past fortnight we have had a focus on 3D objects. We have explored and investigated viewing objects from different perspectives. Using blocks sent home at the start of the term, the children have used these to look at diferent points of view and what could be seen looking from the front view, side view and top view. What could be hiding? What can be seen? What can't be seen? You will also have noticed your child collecting 3D objects from around the house to utilise in their maths lessons. 

Below are some photos of our wellbeing activity from last week: It combined art and maths together.


Cyber safety incursion

On Monday we attended a cyber safety incursion led by Marty McGauran. We were led through a series of interactive quizzes and discussed a whole range of different issues faced by senior primary students in today's online world. Some of the key take aways from the session included:


Online we should live by these principles...

Be Kind

Be Smart

Be Alert

Be Brave

Be Strong


Screen time vs Green time. How do we find the balance between screen time and other hobbies, interests and school work?


He also gave the students some simple but effective way to deal with inappropriate online behaviour that may be directed at them, including: 


Don't blame yourself! (if someone targets you online)

Don't reply!

Screenshot the evidence

Block and report

Speak with a trusted adult (i.e. parent, teacher, kids helpline).


We're all looking forward to an exciting end to the school year! 


Stay safe!

Brendan and Judy