Wellbeing Zone


Enter the Wellbeing Zone

Welcome to the Wellbeing Zone. When you enter the zone, you will find a wealth of information about all the things happening in the Wellbeing space at Sunshine Heights PS as well as strategies, articles, book recommendations and events that will help build our dream and culture of Wellbeing throughout our school community, inside and outside of school, so that we can sail together through a universe of possibilities with all the emotional and social skills we need to thrive. 


Dear Sunny Heights Family, 


I hope that you all managed to find some joy, rest and refill this holidays. While we were limited in what we could do, even just having space away from the hustle of the school term can be the perfect harvest ground for new and different memories, which I also hope you made in abundance. 


As we launch into Term 4, and our return to onsite learning is imminent, it's time to take that rejuvenated energy from the holidays and run with it so we can finish the year together, where we belong. This term will be all about connection and ensuring our young people - and all of you too - are able to transition back to school positively, and once again feel that sense of community and belonging that we have all desperately missed. We will be investing greatly into the wellbeing of everyone at Sunshine Heights PS to ensure that we are able to shake off the lockdown vibes and wrap up 2021 with some spirit. 


We can't wait to welcome you all HOME real soon. 


This week, I am sharing with you a little tune from LCD Soundsystem, who undoubtedly got me through many slumps in lockdown. 



See you real soon. 

Remember to reach out. We are here. 

With love, 



Big Childcare's Brain Magic 

Our good friends over at Big Childcare have been super busy in the Wellbeing space and have recently launched their wellbeing-focused sub branch, Brain Magic, which explores the new wellbeing program TEMP-oh! that targets mind and body to equip people with the tools and information to live better. As you learn about the science of connecting body and mind you can lift your behaviours and happiness. Using evidence-based content, the message is delivered in a fun, inspiring and practical style.


This is training that connects. For adults it is the inspirational information and tools, for children the content is taught using a variety of methods including magic tricks, cartooning, music, cooking, games, art ‘n’ craft, flip-boards and PowerPoint. The aim is to give children and adults practical tools they can implement on the spot to live calmer lives and we have never needed that more than now. Your tomorrow brain starts today.


You can visit the website here for further information and even some free downloads, including a great wellbeing e-book for young people! 


Preparing for Return to Onsite Learning

While we know our students are very excited to be returning to school this term, we are also aware that many of our young people may be feeling some big feelings and may even be a little anxious about returning. Starting to build the skills they need from now will be important in their transition. Over the coming weeks, I will share some articles and resources that can help build some critical skills our students will need to transition back to onsite learning positively, helping them deal with those big emotions they may be feeling. 


One great strategy that can help students deal with anxiety is helping them focus on what they can control. 


Rebecca Louick over at the Big Life Journal has written this fantastic article '5 Ways to Help Children Focus on What They Can Control'. 



Mental Health Month 

The month of October is Mental Health Month, an important time to raise awareness and open up discussions around mental health and what we can do to maintain or develop positive mental health. The pandemic and everything we have experienced makes prioritising our mental health more important than ever. 


All week, through the Specialist and Wellbeing timetable, and in class activities, we have been focusing on mental health to help our students connect, share experiences, and develop strategies that they can use to look after their mental health and that of others. 


Good mental health is when we can cope with the stressors of our daily lives, participate in loving relationships, contribute to our community, and work towards our goals. Everyone has mental health. And we can all benefit from looking after our own mental health and the mental health of our communities.


The good people over at Mental Health Australia have released these fantastic calendars with an activity for each day of the month that can help improve wellbeing and mental health. Click on the image below to download a PDF version of the family calendar. 


This year's World Mental Health Day is on Sunday 10th October and the message is simple: “Look after your mental health, Australia.”

You might like to think about making a mental health promise and sharing it on the promise wall - 

World Mental Health Day Promise Wall 

Mental Health Month Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

To continue the spiritus of Mental Health Month, next week we will start our own virtual Sunny Heights Mental Health Month Gratitude Scavenger Hunt. Every day for the next four weeks, a gratitude prompt will be posted in the activity section of the Specialist Exhibition class for each year level (Prep, 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6) to help us improve our positive emotions. The daily prompts encourage observation, gratitude and connection. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly connected with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with challenges, and build strong relationships. Students are encouraged and welcome to fill Seesaw with gratitude by sharing photos in response to the daily prompts! 


Brimbank Radio Ed Week 2021

We are super excited to be a part of the Brimbank Radio Ed Week in November. Last term, we shared the link for you to share your voice and add your ideas for possible radio segment ideas that our Grade 5/6 radio show hosts could plan and produce, which share what our Sunshine Heights PS Community is all about. There have been some amazing ideas already, but we would love even more, so please take a moment to think about what our school stands for and a radio show idea that could communicate that to the world. 


Share your ideas over here - https://padlet.com/francinesculli1/sunnyheightsradio

Need to reach me? 

To discuss anything Wellbeing related, feel free to contact me via email or the school phone number! 


EMAIL - Francine.Sculli@education.vic.gov.au PHONE - 8311 7100