Technology and Applied Studies

Our year 7 Technology students have enjoyed the year learning the new areas of Digital Technology and Agriculture/Food Technology. We have been impressed with each student's willingness to attempt and learn from every new situation they have been presented with.


Here are some thoughts and comments from some of our Year 7 students about their learning in Technology Mandatory this year:


“Technology mandatory is such a fun subject, I have learnt so many new skills, like how to code, hygiene safety and how to laser cut. All of the practical lessons were so much fun and a great learning experience, from laser cutting a coaster, to cooking a cheeseburger in the kitchen. Technology Mandatory has taught me so many things and is always so much fun.” 
Claire Barclay


“I have learnt a lot about the use of coding and cooking foods and the safety precautions of these lessons. The practical activities of both classes were amazing and taught me a lot about safety and other things, but I thought that DIGTEC was a little difficult but my teacher helped me and I think I did pretty well. Overall, both classes were amazing!” Daniel Blanche


“Technology Mandatory is such a fun and useful class. I have been taught so many new skills such as how to be hygienic in the kitchen and I even learnt about how to use a laser cutter.” 
Olivia Bryant


“Food Tech has been one of my favourite classes this year. We have been able to cook delicious foods and have so much fun in the classroom and down at the farm with our class. My favourite part of food tech is definitely when we get to cook different foods and enjoy them with my friends.” 
Brianna Tsang


“When we did Digitech we learnt about laser cutting and programming like python. We would sometimes laser cut objects and for the python, we would program robots to do specific actions. When we did AgFo we would go to the farm to plant things while also we would cook in class like making chicken nuggets, sausage rolls and burgers.” 
Jasper McCrohan


Mrs Nicole Lane | TAS KLA Leader