
What is Maths Pathway?

Maths Pathway is a Learning and Teaching Model that is re-imagining the way Mathematics is taught in Stage 4 at Mater Dei Catholic College. The model is research-driven and has been developed to support success for all students in mathematics.


Maths Pathway combines a range of teaching methods and classroom practices with an online learning environment to support individualised learning for each student.



Overall School Growth

This graph summarises the distribution of growth rates across Mater Dei Catholic College. Most importantly:

  • Median growth rates of students have increased from 55% to 130%
  • The lower 25% of the cohort have increased their growth rate by 300% or more
  • All students are showing a significant improvement in their growth rates.


Effort, Accuracy and Growth

There are 3 key metrics that indicate the progress a student is making. Growth is the most important, with Effort and Accuracy helping to diagnose the cause of low Growth when it occurs. 



Effort is the amount of the teacher-assigned work (a number of modules) that the student completed in the lead up to a test. 



Accuracy is the amount of modules that were mastered  on the test, compared with the amount completed.



A student’s Growth rate is the most important of the 3 metrics, as it reflects the new maths that they’ve mastered over time. It emphasises the value of continual development, as well as building on pre-existing or new knowledge. 


Growth rates are based entirely on the number of modules that a student masters on a test. The table below summarises these values:

Number of ModulesGrowth Rate

Effort, Accuracy and Growth Data at Mater Dei Catholic College:

Students who have shown significant growth in each of the Year 7 and 8 classes are listed below:

Year 7
ClassAverage Growth for 2021
7Mat.1 - Trinity Guirguis242%
7Mat.2 - Henry Molloy300%
7Mat.3 - Oliver McIntosh230%
7Mat.4 - Lucy Halloway264%
7Mat.5 - Edie Raczkowski221%
Trinity Guirguis
Henry Molloy
Oliver McIntosh
Lucy Halloway
Edi Raczkowski
Trinity Guirguis
Henry Molloy
Oliver McIntosh
Lucy Halloway
Edi Raczkowski
Year 8 
ClassAverage Growth for 2021
8Mat.1- Niane Mulder169%
8Mat.2 - Kade Lyons236%
8Mat 3 - Eden Lyons159%
8Mat.4 - Harrison Rapana162%
8Mat.5 - Kaylee Ayton181%
Niane Mulder
Kade Lyons
Eden Lyons
Harrison Rapana
Kaylee Ayton
Niane Mulder
Kade Lyons
Eden Lyons
Harrison Rapana
Kaylee Ayton


Mr Kurt McPherson | Mathematics KLA Leader