Assistant Principal 

Year 11 & 12

At the time of writing, our Year 11 students have completed their exams and are currently working through exam feedback sessions with their Unit 2 teachers. These exam feedback sessions are incredibly important for students to get a sense of how they perform in exam conditions and to also to reflect upon areas of strength as well as improvement for 2020. Students will then start their orientation for year 12 in 2020 where all students will have 2 classes of their Year 12 subjects where they will get given a range of homework to prepare them for Year 12.


It is essential that all students attend this orientation, to ensure that they transition successfully to their final year of schooling. Attendance is compulsory. A great deal of preparation now can have a direct impact on student readiness for the demands of VCE and VCAL in Year 12.


There will be an opportunity for students to attend school on Friday 22nd November to make changes to their subjects. I am very proud of all of the work that has been completed by the Year 11 Student Management Team, the Year 12 Sub School Leader and our School Operations Leader to ensure that students have received as many of their choices as possible.


Our current Year 12 students have been working very hard to do their best for the exams and it’s been great to see that effort. VCAA exams will officially end on Friday 20th of November and the Year 12 Formal will be held on Friday 22nd of November.


Finally, I’d like to pass on some information for those families who are exploring options to enrol in a VCAL program at Peter Lalor. Peter Lalor will have an information evening scheduled for November 18th at 6.30pm. For any information regarding this, please go to the following address to access an application form.


Julie Ryan

Assistant Principal

Year 9 &10

It was wonderful to see so many year 9 students apply for the senior School Scholarships. The year 9 team and I will be shortly beginning the process of reading all applications and making recommendations for the awards. Students and families will hear of the outcome over the next couple of weeks. Thank you to all students who have lodged applications.


Students were given their exam timetables this week so please check in with your child to ensure they are aware of arrangements during this period. These are available on Compass. Year 10 exams will be starting on Monday 18th November, and Year 9 English exam Friday 22nd. November, followed by their Maths exam on Monday 25th of November.  For the Year 9 students, exams will take place in periods one and two. They will resume their regular school program after recess. Year 10 students need only attend when they have their exams scheduled. They should be encouraged to study for their remaining exams at home. It is important for all students to approach these exams with adequate preparation and a positive attitude to do their best.

 A year 11 Orientation Program will follow the year 10 examination period.  This program allows students to obtain a head start to their studies. Students will be provided with course timelines, and begin preparatory course work to allow for a successful start to the academic year in 2020. They will also be allocated some holiday homework.

Wishing all students the best of success in their forthcoming exams.







 Laura Forster

Assistant Principal  

Year 7 & 8

It was a great pleasure last Thursday to meet and welcome many new families to the College at our Information Evening for year 7. Very large numbers attended which is a strong indication of the desire of our families to partner with the school in the interests of a great start to secondary school life. I made the point that is was a great privilege for us to welcome children at year 7, and support their growth for the next 6 years to witness them leave the college as young adults. The student, parents and school form a secure partnership in learning and development and this will strongly assist the achievement and outcomes for our young people as time goes by.

Orientation Day on the 10th December will be a further opportunity for our new students to get a feel for the college by undertaking a range of enjoyable activities in several learning areas. This is a great opportunity for staff to meet students at closer quarters, and it is always enjoyable to watch the excitement of students as they embark upon this new path of their education journey.

Recently year 7 students had their HPV immunisation booster at the college. I want to pay tribute to our students in the no fuss way they conducted themselves for this process. Whittlesea Council nurses always comment on the positive conduct of students and this time was no exception. We are very pleased to be able to contribute to our communities’ good health by providing this service at the college. Those students who were absent will receive notification to attend Whittlesea services for a free vaccination, and we urge families to co-operate promptly with this requirement.

Again it’s great to see our students actively engaged in physical activity – for example the recent Futsal Final. This is a timely point at which to urge all families and students to be sure to get a good level of physical activity into their lives, and for our students in particular to take up the many opportunities to become involved in enjoyable competitive sport at the college. Physical activity helps in every way, improving student wellbeing and educational outcomes.

Finally I very much enjoyed touring recently with our new concert band as we visited four local schools. The growth of our music students, and their emerging professional approach was always evident on this tour. The primary school audiences were greatly enthusiastic, and were clearly encouraged to take up an instrument at secondary school. Thanks and congratulations to our music program staff for their stewardship of the program, and to Ms Stavropoulos for organising the tour.


Assistant Principal 

Mr. Tim Cottrell