
Concert Band Primary School Tour

Congratulations to the following students from Concert Band for their professional performances at three local Primary Schools this week promoting our music program as brave ambassadors for our Concert Band.  

Harvey Glascott

Joshua Dinatale

Rob Garcia

Leila Hoblos

Jeanna Liang

Violet Thodori

Hailey Tuhua-Ashby

Paige Tuhua-Ashby

Tarek Zeino


Led by their respective instrumental teachers, Hugh McKelvey [Brass] and Geraldine Rosier [Woodwind], students performed at Lalor Primary School, Lalor Gardens Primary School, and Lalor East Primary School and were appreciated like young stars for their excellent performances. They were also welcomed as past students from the student audiences and their past teachers.


I was so deeply moved and very proud of our Concert Band students who conducted themselves immaculately as true role models upholding all our schools values. They each took turns in demonstrating their instruments and endorsing the music program encouraging new 2020 to come to our school’s information evening and fill in an Expression of Interest Music Form to join the program.


A notable thankyou is due to Mr Tim Cottrell, one of our Assistant Principals, for driving the school bus to each venue and supporting the tour wholeheartedly. He introduced the presentation and encouraed all students to embrace music education that helps every aspect of learning, from creative problem solving to academic cognition and memory training, as well as coordination and social intelligence.


A big thank you to all.


CD Recording and Launch Concert Soon!


Watch this space. We are due to start recording tracks for our annual CD in the next week. We have scheduled the concert to launch the CD to run in the first week of December.


That’s it for now, until next time. Keep Musing.




Ms Kal Stavropoulos

Music Leader