
To all our Students, Parents and Carers...

What an unusual end to Term 1 that we, and all schools across Australia, have had! 


We decided to dedicate our end of term newsletter to Wellbeing@Evans so that you as students, parents and carers have some resources to use in these difficult times. 


Take care of yourselves and stay safe.


From all the staff at Evans!

School Counsellor Referral

Does your child need to see a school counsellor?


Follow the steps below and one of us will get in contact with you to arrange a time to chat:

1. Fill out the attached form below and let us know what kind of issue you are having and when your preferred time to chat is.

2. Send the completed form to evans.schoolcounsellors@det.nsw.edu.au

3. One of the school counsellors will be in touch via email to arrange a time to speak with your child.


Resources for Families During Remote Learning

The Evans Wellbeing team have created a Google Classroom that is open for all students to join.

Student Wellbeing@Evans - Google Classroom

Our Student Wellbeing@Evans Google Classroom is now LIVE!


Students can access the classroom with the code: djlghbb


There are plenty of fantastic wellbeing resources students can refer to in the Student Wellbeing@Evans Classroom.

Design a NEW logo for the Wellbeing@Evans Team

We are calling for artists of all kinds to help us design a NEW logo for the Wellbeing @ Evans team.


The design has to have the text ‘Wellbeing @ Evans’ as a main focus.

You can use any medium (digital, pen and paper, paint etc.).

You can design a background if you like.

It can be colourful.

It is entirely up to you.

Prizes include a Westpoint Gift Card.

The competition will officially be opened when school returns to normality. Stay tuned!


How Are YOU Feeling Today?

Check out these links for when you need to take your mind off everything going on around you.


5 Minute Mindful Breathing

5 Minute meditation you can do anywhere   


Mindful Breathing Meditation


Yoga for the Classroom   


Classroom Meditation  


Rainbow Yoga – Yoga for all ages 


Morning Yoga for strength and flexibility