Whole School News

Icy Pole Day

Thursday 28th March will be the final Icy pole Day until Term 4. 

Lost Property

We are asking the whole school community to please take a little extra care and responsibility with their items, to try and limit the amount of items ending up in the Lost Property cupboard. 


The cupboard is filling up to capacity quicker than ever before and although our parents (who volunteer their valuable time) maintain the cupboard on a regular basis, they are having to spend more and more time trying to identify the owners of the items in able to return them. 


To help make the task faster and easier for our volunteers, please ensure

-  ALL uniform items

 -  ALL lunchboxes/snack containers/water bottles

-  ALL book bags/library bag/bike helmets

are clearly labelled with your child's full name. 


Any uniform items that are not named are removed from lost property and added to the second hand uniform supply for the next sale. Any unlabeled non-uniform items will be donated to a local op-shop if they are not collected within a fortnight.


If you have purchased any secondhand items, please ensure that you remove/cross out the previous owner's name and your child's name is then clearly written. 


If you wish to donate any outgrown uniform items to secondhand uniform sale, please cross out your child's name on the item/s and give them to Brodie at the front office - please do not put them in the Lost Property cupboard. 


We appreciate the assistance of parents and students to make this ongoing task easier. 

If you wish to assist Lost Property or Secondhand uniform please email Brodie in the office and she will pass on your details. 

Easter Raffle & Casual Clothes Day

Thursday 21st March will be a casual clothes day for the students but instead of a gold coin donation, we are asking students to donate an Easter treat (e.g. Easter egg). These donations will be made up into hampers and used as prizes for our raffle. Raffle tickets and further information will be sent home with students on this day. We would love for families to please sell as many tickets as they they can. 

The raffle will be drawn at school assembly on the last day of Term 1, Friday 5th April. 

SRC Pyjama Day

 Wednesday 3rd April students may come to school wearing their pyjamas for ‘Pyjama Day’.


Students however, must wear their normal shoes - no slippers or thongs.


National Pyjama Day is celebrated in July to raise awareness for children in foster care however, we will be raising awareness earlier


No donations is required. 

Library News

Scholastic Book Club orders/payments are due by Friday 22nd March 2019. Payments are to be made directly to Scholastic using the payment options on the brochure. Ormond Primary School does not collect any payments. 


Payments are to be made directly to Scholastic using the payment options on the brochure. No late orders will be accepted to ensure delivery by the end of the school year. If your orders are for Christmas and you do not want your children to see, please contact the office to arrange a parent pick up. 

Bullying - NO WAY!

Last Friday 15th March was the National Day against Bullying and Violence. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness against bullying and what can be done to stop it. Bullying can happen in the playground or sometimes online. It is any ongoing behaviour that intends to upset another person. It is not a one-off event.


Across Australia, many students report bullying every few weeks. In most of these cases, there are students who see these things happen but do not speak up and let someone know. This is something that needs to change.


If you feel like you are being bullied or if you have spotted bullying you need to speak up and let an adult know what you are feeling or have seen. This will put to a stop to this behaviour.

Remember to always treat others how you would like to be treated and follow our Ormond values.



Charlie & Kevin

 Multimedia Captains and Mr Capicchiano

Foundation News

As the end of term approaches we are so impressed with how far the children have come already. By the end of the term we would have learnt half of our letters and have been practising making words with these. As mentioned at the parent information night a good link to assist helping your child read at home is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsl_sf4DoRoIt used various mentioned strategies as sent home in satchels.


With our words of the week out next 2 focus words are LEG and BED with new letters L, G, B and D being introduced. When we reach the word ‘bed’ children may find it difficult to distinguish between the lowercase b and d. Please see attached a couple of ideas that we use to help them remember the difference.

In mathematics we continue to practice making, counting and writing numbers to 20 and for some children beyond 20. This is fundamental practice that will soon be used to begin place value, and addition and subtraction, when we count on and back. We will also be exploring shapes as a non-number strand and discussing where we can see shapes in everyday life and the features of common shapes including sides and corners.


Last week we also started the Perceptual Motor Program. P.M.P is a sequential development program that aims to develop children’s perceptions and understandings of themselves and the world around them. We will be doing this over the next 3 week with the assistance of year 6 helpers to help work with small groups of students. PMPs main outcomes are; eye/hand/ foot coordination, balance, fitness and eye tracking. Thank you to Emma Milliken for her organisation and set up of this program for the foundation students.

Year 1 News

The Year One students have settled well into their classes and are demonstrating enthusiasm for their learning.


In Inquiry, our Term 1 topic is ‘Past and Present Family Life’. Students have been investigating the similarities and differences of past and present school life, toys and technology.


In English, students have been focusing on spelling the short vowel sounds and using capital letters and full stops appropriately. They have written ‘Sizzling Starts’ using onomatopoeia and the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when and why) and are learning how to structure a recount.


In Maths, students have been investigating place value of two digit and some three digit numbers. They have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones and expanding numbers to represent each digits’ value. The children have also really enjoyed learning about shapes, using lots of hands on tasks.


Reminder to parents to please fill in the reading logs throughout the week and to keep lunchboxes nut free

Year 5 News

This term the Year 5 students have been developing their narrative skills creating some engaging and riveting pieces of work. Here are just some snippets of their wonderful work.


“I slowly crept open the book and glared at the first page like a hawk, then I realised that there were no words on the pages. I kept turning and turning the pages and still not one single word or picture. I shut the book in a blink of an eye and dropped it on the floor. I began to creep towards it to pick it up but then it started to glow. I got frightened and threw my stuffed animal at the book, when I picked it up I said “This book really is magical!” – Talya L


“The day it all started was the first weekend in March where the leaves were starting to turn a fiery orange and golden brown with a pleasant light breeze keeping the hair out of our faces. As we ran down the lane we were birds. Free. Unstoppable. Nothing holding us back. Our minds free of worry we climbed into the boat and moved the oars but suddenly the boat jolted, it started to move, it started to lift to fly. We pinched each other and grimaced in pain. Nope, not dreaming. Alice let out a giggle and as you should know giggles are contagious. Soon we were rolling round the boat in side-splitting laughter.” – Sasha H


“What’s that?” Raffy asks herself, walking up to the golden shiny thing she sees. She picks it up and a tall man pops out of it. “A ghost, leave me alone. I’m sorry I picked up your home but please don’t hurt me”, Raffy yells to the man. “I’m not a ghost, I’m a genie and I’m here to grant you three wishes” the genie replies. “Umm… OK sure” a confused Raffy spluttered. “Well go on, what are they” asks the Genie. So Raffy thinks hard. “Well I won’t my brother Mason to come home and I want to go back home now” said Raffy. “Your wishes are being granted right now, goodbye fellow wisher” as the Genie went back into the bottle” – Lucinda L


“Today’s aircraft is a Boeing 777. The captain for this six hour journey is Captain Shah. He’s been in love with aviation for his whole life. Flight 370 takes off on runway 24. Just as Malaysian Airlines reaches the border, Kaula Lumpur Air Traffic Control tells MH370 “Switch radio frequency to Ho Chi Min City.” Captain Shah replies “Good evening MH370.” At this point all contact is lost. MH370 has vanished.” – Elliot C

Year 6 Young Leaders Day

On the 18th of March all of the Ormond captains went to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition centre for National Leaders Day. There were four speakers which included Cal Wilson, a comedian, Tim Diamond, an organiser of Cotton On Foundation, Leisel Jones, an olympic swimmer and Holly Ferling a professional cricket player. We travelled to the venue on the train and we all had a great time. All of the speakers had a different message but all of them inspired us to be better leaders. Leisel Jones encouraged us to set crazy goals and then break them down into small achievable goals =. Cal Wilson believes to always say yes to new opportunities and to always be up for trying new things. Overall the whole day was very inspiring and everyone enjoyed themselves.


Written by Ashton and Georgia 

PE & Sport News

House Cross Country

The whole school Cross Country will be on Tuesday April 2nd this year. Foundation to Year 2 students will be running in the morning around the oval at the school. The Year 3 - 6 students will be running at Wattle Grove Reserve, as Allnutt Park cannot be used for this event due to a water mould outbreak.


More information is on Compass about both events. Consent requirements are in place for Year 3-6 students.


Emma Milliken

PE Teacher, Sports Coordinator