Around St Therese's School...

Visual Arts

Please enjoy these powerful pieces of art about Holy Week created by our students during their Visual Art lessons with Mrs Hogan.


Thanks to all families who sent along Easter Eggs for the prizes that were raffled. Thanks to the team of mums who helped Lyn Harris put the prizes together. The students had such a fun time at the raffle! Congrats to all those who won a prize.


Our school’s Taiko Club is encouraging anyone who is interested learning Japanese drumming from Grade 3 onwards to join us. We practice at Recess and Lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The school is buying a class set of Bachi (drumsticks). We always sanitise them and each student will use the same numbered sticks. There is no need for individual purchases. 


Japanese drumming is about learning songs that are celebrated at festivals in Japan with a lot of discipline. The Taiko Team will perform at events during the year. Dedication to learn is important. We have a lot of fun learning. Taiko enriches us in many ways.


God bless you all.

Most Sincerely

Joy Andrews (Sensei)