Kindergarten News

Dickens Room

We have had a fun and busy week in our Marram and Wimbi classes even with the wetter weather. 

Our Wimbi class enjoyed dancing and singing this week, with lots of excitement and laughter as the children interacted! The children have been settled, working in small groups as they have explored the program, developing their communication, social and play skills through the process.


Our Marram class has begun more conceptual conversations, engaging in science on Tuesday and learning drawing skills through representative art. The four to five year old phase of development is heavily communication and processing based, as the children become more aware of how the world works and the interactivity of everything around them. It is wonderful to be able to start engaging in these learning moments. 


Al and Mardi.

Moore Room

An awesome week was had by all. We had a few good down pours, however we were adaptable to utilise the undercover areas to enjoy the outdoors, which always brings us joy. There has been great imaginative role playing with scripts and story-telling as the children continue to explore cats and dogs through small world play areas and the big blocks. We have also been using the felts as another way to express ideas and storytelling to continue with language and literacy. We have had picnics with the babies, paper plane making and some wonderful mindfulness moments as well.


We can’t quite believe that our very first term has come to an end. We have had a productive, fun and fantastic term and it has been wonderful getting to know everyone as we settle into the kinder year.


Have a super relaxing and wonderful break and we look forward to an awesome term two.


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie, Carol, Cristina and Anna