Discovery Centre


Halo semuanya! 


We can’t believe that we are already beginning our final week of Term 1! Well done to all students and families for such a successful start to foundation. We hope that everyone has a relaxing and recharging break before another fantastic return to learning in Term 2!


During week 9, we had our final Guided Reading rotations. Students worked with their teacher to practise pointing to the words as we read together and used the pictures and first letter to decode the final unknown word in our sentences. We also learned that our names are special and because we are so important, begin with a capital letter. Foundation students demonstrated perseverance when they practised writing their name with a capital letter and then lowercase letters. 


In Mathematics, we played some fun new games! ‘Roll and build’ was most definitely a crowd favourite, followed by ‘dump it’! Our goal is to become confident counters who understand the numbers that we are counting. These games relied on our ongoing focus to subitise dots that we see as well as begin exploring the different parts that make up numbers, like how 3 blue counters and 2 yellow counters make 5. 

Mini Magic Number
One More, One Less
Dump It
Roll and Build
Mini Magic Number
One More, One Less
Dump It
Roll and Build

In Wellbeing, we were introduced to the character strength ‘Creativity’ and practised turning an ‘Oops’ (scribbles on the page or some scrap paper), into a ‘Beautiful Oops!’. Check out some of the colourful and creative ideas students in FH had!

This week you will receive an invitation for Seesaw which is used for your child’s digital portfolio. Download the Seesaw Family App on a digital device or access the portfolio via Your child's digital portfolio will be available to view when you log in using the invitation.


This week students will continue to enter their classroom independently when they hear the bell. Students will be supervised in the courtyard (just outside the main office) until 8.50am when the bell goes. Students can begin entering the courtyard from 8.45am. We began this on Wednesday last week and students were excited to demonstrate their independence in the morning! 

Student Voice

In PMP, I use perseverance by:

  • Joshee - “Climbing through the shapes”
  • Phoebe - “Putting my socks and shoes on by myself”
  • Andy - “Trying to get the beanbag in the hoop”


  • School Photos on Tuesday, please ensure FULL school uniform
  • Thursday School finishes at 2:30pm
  • Students will be supervised in the courtyard from 8.45am. They can enter the Discovery Centre (Junior building), when they hear the bell at 8.50am. Parents are asked to drop students off at the main office.
  • Students will continue to be dismissed by their classroom teacher from the front of the main office.
  • Please ensure that all belongings (hat, jackets, lunchbox) are clearly labelled with students' name.
  • We have begun listening to audio books in the library and will be using iPads in Term 2 for literacy and numeracy related activities. Please ensure your child has a pair of labelled headphones that they can use independently, to keep in their tub at school.
  • Easter hat parade on Thursday after our whole school assembly.

Pupil of the Week

FD: Malia K -

For demonstrating a love of learning in Maths this week. You did a fantastic job in the activity 'Magic Number' by making your number in three ways using bundles, unifix and the dots on the dice. Super work Malia! 


FH: Rebekah L -

For demonstrating a love of learning during all activities this week. You challenged yourself to have a go at writing a sentence about your weekend and also use bundles to make a number that had tens and ones. Wonderful work Rebekah!


FJ: Lucky B -

For demonstrating creativity when creating your 'Beautiful Oops Art'. You saw the beauty in a squiggly line and turned used your imagination to turn it into something amazing! Great work Lucky!